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NZDSOS Speak Truth, Justice and Healing



Edited 27th September. One paragraph was removed.

How does a new independent health system sound to you? As you contemplate that thought you can be assured that the work to achieve this has already begun, as an exciting conference has illustrated.

Saturday 16th September marked the date of a unique opportunity for a large crowd to gather at Mt Eden Park in Auckland to meet some of the New Zealand Doctors Speaking out with Science (NZDSOS). This group of experts shared compelling evidence associated with their core topics covering Truth, Justice and Healing.  The conference was hosted by Paul Brennan, former RNZ reader, journalist, now broadcaster on the increasingly popular breakfast programme on Reality Check Radio.

His professionalism, compassion and insight warmed the room as he introduced the audience to the team of experts during this inaugural event. These distinguished speakers, from New Zealand, Australia, and the UK, were characterised by their unwavering moral character, evident integrity, profound intellect, and compassionate hearts. They served as beacons of hope while skillfully fostering unity and inspiring the audience to recognise the significance of its role in disseminating knowledge and truth.

One attendee from the South Island reflecting on the day commented:

It felt good to be part of a huge and diverse crowd all at one with a single purpose. Well, three! Truth, justice, and healing. (Dr) Malhotra connected the speeches, by empowering us to speak our truth.

The day began with a talk from Dr Matt Shelton, who outlined the background to the formation of NZDSOS, which now consists of over 200 NZ doctors and is still growing. Dr Shelton shared the work they are currently involved in including collaboration with over 600 doctors in the Australia Medical Professionals Society (AMPS). He also shared his concerns regarding the continued constraints and regulations placed on NZ doctors by the medical council which is made up of three lawyers.

Dr Shelton’s announcement regarding the intention of NZDSOS to develop a new health system met with loud audience applause and a standing ovation. He also reminded us that without the anchor of medical ethics placing the patient first and not the state, exploitation and tyranny must surely follow.

New Zealand’s Dr Guy Hatchard, trained in physics, psychology and genetics, and a proponent of Ayurveda (the most ancient medical system in the world), shared extensive knowledge about the impact on personal health from diet and environmental toxins, providing twenty reasons why biotechnology experimentation should be outlawed globally.

Jodie Bruning, an academic sociologist, presented an outstanding astute explanation of New Zealand’s judicial system, and the global threat on democracy, posing the question “Where is the real fourth estate?” Ms. Bruning features in the video documentary Silenced which was screened after the presentations were finished – well worth watching as an endictment of NZ’s encroaching censorship culture.

Silenced, NZ Documentary | Silenced.

Dr Aseem Malhotra (UK) spoke of his experiences as a high-profile esteemed cardiologist in the UK, where he is known nationally for educating the nation about the dangers of and risks regarding excessive sugary diets. He worked closely with Jamie Oliver to overhaul the hospital food dietary provisions to ensure patients were given nutritious meals during admission hospital stays. Initially an advocate for COVID-19 vaccines, he was instrumental in overturning the proposed mandate for the NHS. Dr Malhotra shared his story of personal pain, losing his father (also a doctor) to a sudden heart attack shortly after taking the second vaccine. This led him to research and then speak out about the need to halt vaccine administration until further medical research could be achieved. He later discovered evidence of high numbers of people developing blood clots and accelerated heart disease after both the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines. His talk left no doubt of the damage inflicted by the malign hand of the pharmaceutical industry.

Two young speakers also emerged from the crowd. On appearances, they looked like typical young Kiwis – healthy vibrant youths, with their lives ahead of them, and so much to look forward to. Yet their stories painted a differing reality. Forced to keep jobs and maintain access to sporting and recreational facilities they took the vaccine with confidence; doing precisely what the NZ Prime Minister told them to do. Less than one month after receiving their second vaccine doses, both of these youths became very unwell, one diagnosed with myo-pericarditis, and the other with an auto immune dysfunction resulting in chronic fatigue. Doctors ignored at first the possibility that their symptoms were caused by the jabs, and both have struggled to get ACC and medical intervention for their conditions. Our audience acknowledged the seriousness of their situations and their bravery in speaking out and sharing their truth and new reality.

Both of us came away feeling more convinced of the grave injustices which occurred across New Zealand, and the multi-layered impact of harm enacted from the COVID response. Yet there was hope. Hope that comes from knowing the truth.  Dr Guy Hatchard reminded us that with truth there is hope, with hope there can be action, and with action, there can be healing, and optimism for the future.

As New Zealanders, we can be proud that we have some honest compassionate doctors in our nation, a few having lost so much for speaking the truth – who live their values and beliefs while continuing to strive to reveal the truth.  Their conference was a testament to the reality that truth, justice and healing will occur.

The journey begins with truth.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Legend Eddie Low has died. He was educated at the Foundation for the Blind in Auckland. He started his first band when he was 13 and called it the Three Blind Mice.

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