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NZNO – Time to Rise up and Support All Nurses

Nurses for Freedom protest. Photo supplied. The BFD.

Deborah Cunliffe

Nurses for Freedom NZ

On International Nurses Day (12 May 2022), The New Zealand Nurses Association (NZNO) launched its Maranga Mai! ‘Rise Up!’ campaign, calling for NZNO members and local communities to come together and take united action to address the increasing demands and significant shortages in workforce supply, citing systemic failures causing moral injury/distress and burnout across all sectors.

Saturday they encouraged nurses and local communities to rise up and held various protests across New Zealand.

People are not getting the health care they need due to massive shortages of nurses and other health care workers in hospitals and the community. Even worse, the nurses and health care workers we do have aren’t properly valued for the amazing work they do.”

The NZNO website sets out union values underpinned by several principles including collective action, worker engagement and participation, social justice, fairness, equity and workers’ safety and wellbeing, and solidarity. Perhaps we need to remind NZNO that in November 2021, 621 public health nurses and carers were terminated, stood down, resigned or took early retirement because they did not want to receive the Covid 19 mRNA experimental ‘vaccine’.

This number does not include lead maternity carers, carers or nurses working outside of public health settings, support staff and those on freelance or other contracts. Many more nurses have subsequently been forced to leave due to vaccine injuries as a result of agreeing to take the mRNA injection, a refusal to take subsequent boosters and/or burn- out.

Deborah Cunliffe, Founder of Nurses for Freedom NZ believes “NZNO is itself guilty of causing moral injury and distress by undermining its own principles relating to worker engagement, participation, social justice, fairness and equity. NZNO has capitulated to the ‘single source of truth’ rather than considering the plethora of gold standard international research that confirms from real-world data how the mRNA Covid 19 ‘vaccines’ are NOT ‘safe and effective.’

NZNO have disrespected their own principles, their members and our local communities” says, Deborah. “Whilst strike action and protesting might make members feel they have a voice; the real question is can we trust this Union to support ALL members when the going gets tough? Can we trust this union to fight the real source of the medical crisis, namely its regulatory capture?

NZNO is campaigning to increase nurse numbers and bring unity but paradoxically will not support readily available, healthy experienced nurses, with long-lasting natural immunity, looking to re-enter the workforce.”

Rob Zorn (NZNO Media and Communications Advisor) further undermined NZNO efforts to ‘unite the workforce’ in an email sent to NFFNZ this week whereby he stated ‘(NZNO) continues to support the mandates and encourage(s) all nurses to be vaccinated’. Hundreds of nurses and carers unable to return to work in public health settings are confused by Mr Zorn’s statement that confirms despite the government removing mandates in September 2022 they are still effectively in place and supported by NZNO. Reasons for this are unclear when the healthcare system is in serious need of staff.

Mr Zorn states that “The vast majority of our members… do not want to be working alongside un- vaccinated colleagues…..It is a shame to lose these nurses, but they are very few and the cost of welcoming them back into workplaces far outweighs the benefit their reinstatement would bring” This statement is at odds with the scientific evidence, which states that the ‘vaccine’ does not prevent transmission nor infection. Mr Zorn’s statement also contradicts the principles and manifesto NZNO represents, which aims to represent the nurses that live and work in our communities, our friends and our colleagues who are desperate for mandated-out nurses to return to care for patients in need.

Mr Zorn’s further statement that ‘Unfortunately, the choice not to be vaccinated has serious potential repercussions for the wellbeing of others.’ Is not based on scientific evidence, for instance, a recent peer-reviewed article by world-leading expert cardiologist, Dr Aseem Malhotra, confirms that the risk (of heart damage) from the ‘vaccine’ far outweighs any potential benefits.

There are hundreds of Kiwi nurses, midwives, carers, and Lead Maternity Carers available to support our failing public health system” says Deborah Cunliffe. “On paper this could represent as much as 25% of the deficit currently reported by NZNO. Sadly, many of these nurses have been let down by nursing unions and are leaving for Australia or working in other areas that may not require Covid-19 ‘vaccination’, such as aged care. Much expertise will likely be lost to the public health system. Overseas recruitment and increasing student nurse intakes will not replace the knowledge, skill and thousands of years of New Zealand experience these nurses represent.

Given the moral injury, distress and financial harm caused to nurses unfairly terminated, Nurses for Freedom NZ invite NZNO to engage in a professional conversation and provide evidence that (a) the Covid 19 ‘vaccine’ prevents transmission (b) Of potential repercussions on the wellbeing of others posed by ‘unvaccinated’ nurses and (c) Evidence that overstretched nurses can provide appropriate care to patients.


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