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NZ’s Coup D-Etat – Sleep Walkers Beware

He Puapua

Cultural Norm

There is a coup d’etat steadily progressing in New Zealand which your elected government is secretly handling with a level of stealth that would be admirable if performed in a communist or fascist country.

Secret too because the mainstream media, despite the evidence, steadfastly refuses to either discuss or reveal what has been going on.

Yet all the proof needed is contained in the Government’s new Vision 2040 ‘He Puapua working group report’ below.


He Puapua: Report of the working group on a plan to realise the UN declaration on the rights of indigenous… by Juana Atkins on Scribd

He PuapuaDownload

The report has already been aptly described as “a roadmap towards a system of co-governance” in time for 2040 – the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.

What is even more disturbing – in terms of New Zealand’s people sleepwalking to a system of “You Pay, We Play” anti-democratic government by a minority section of the populace is the fact that so much has already been achieved by the separatists planning the take-over, hand-in-hand with politicians. Yes, so much has been ‘set in concrete’ already.

Here’s a small smattering of evidence:

  • The anti-democratic methodology and eventual take-over of councils throughout the land through Maori wards
  • The take-over of Oranga Tamariki (previously called the Ministry for Vulnerable Children)
  • The completely unbalanced and bogus History Syllabus to be thrust down the throats of our children
  • The ‘compulsory’ teaching of te Reo language
  • The unrelenting, Maori language propaganda drive throughout the state media already evident every hour and day of the week.

Incredibly, throughout this He Puapua report, the drive for Maori self-determination apartheid is highlighted. The outcomes range from full independence of Maori to participation in government – and much more.

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