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Image credit The BFD.

Vigilantes rarely recognise that they are vigilantes. They see themselves as doing God’s work and get a real rush of power every time they successfully destroy a target’s life and livelihood.

The attacks currently happening in New Zealand are not happening randomly. Radical activists name the targets and coordinate the mass social media attacks. Sadly there are plenty of willing sheep who will (no questions asked or evidence required) go on over to a business’s Facebook page to leave malicious slander and smears because they were instructed to do so by a radical activist ringleader.

In the screenshot below one of the ringleaders, Anna McAllister reports that the previous target has been successfully destroyed. She then names a new target, directing her followers to swarm onto his business profile on Facebook.

Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.
Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.

Like stupid sheep, the swarm go after the designated target and the result is not pretty. Below are some recent examples of swarm attacks organised and instigated by ringleader activists.

Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.
Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.
Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.
Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.
Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.

Look what happens when a target responds to the attack saying that he just wants everyone to be treated the same. It’s like the swarm are blind, deaf and dumb. They have been told the target is racist by the activist ringleader so no matter what he says they are going to continue their jihad against him and his business. Tellingly one of them uses an image that looks straight from a Critical Race Theory textbook.

Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.
Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.
Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.
Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.
Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.
Organised and targeted harassment. The BFD.


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