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Image credit The BFD.


In these mad, bad and sad, days where we get fiction not from novels but from newspapers. Where name-calling and pejorative dismissive idioms like white supremacist, conspiracy nut, transphobic and anti-vaxxer are deemed sufficient argument to refute evidential based logical discourse.

So it is when dealing with what was once known as the public service which now makes no pretence of service. Where reason is eschewed for policy and requests for clarification result in obfuscation. It is difficult to remain upright in an upside-down world. Anyone straight is at odds with a crooked culture.

New Zealand is the land of my birth as it was for my father, my grandfather and my grandfather’s grandfather. I have both a right and a duty to play my part in its welfare. I have watched and commented over the years as New Zealand and New Zealanders have been hijacked by corrupt individuals and organisations both governmental and private with agendas other than the good of our nation and its people. The battle continues due to an interaction between myself and agents of an assumed authority on the grounds of the Whangarei Court House. A full account may be read at

I was denied entry to a public building by security personal because I refused to register to be traced. In response I sent a letter to Ministry of Justice Head Andrew Kibblewhite asking, “So Mr Kibblewhite perhaps can you tell me what law prevents me from entering a public building unless I ‘register’? “and “What authority does Court security staff have to act in the manner described above ?’ (Preventing my entry to a public place).”

Several weeks later I received a reply of sorts. Not from Mr Kibblewhite who I expect receives far too large a salary to actually answer questions from a member of the great unwashed masses. After all, you don’t get to head a Government department by taking responsibility for anything. The reply was from a lady designated as ‘Deputy Secretary, Corporate and Digital Services (acting).

Is it now the Ministry of Just another corporation ?

She says,’ The Chief District Court Judge (no name) issued District Court protocols at the different COVID-19 Alert levels‘. I was unaware that a protocol could countermand law. Her letter was typically vague in the usual way of bureaucratic obfuscation. Do they have special training courses for this? She referenced the ‘Courts Security Act 1999′ but did not cite a subsection or clause. I felt as if her correspondence left me less informed and slightly more dumbed down than when I began reading It.

My other interaction with the miry swamp of officialdom was regarding the illegal lockdowns of 2020. The reply is self-explanatory.

Dear Worzel

I am writing in response to the request you submitted 9 March 2021. Your request has been considered pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). Specifically, you requested:

What action has been taken by Police (or any other agency involved with the administration of Justice and/or the enforcement of law in New Zealand) in response to the illegal lock-down of the New Zealand Public in March 2020?

Police has taken no action in relation to the High Court judgment in Borrowdale v A-G, and note this matter is currently under appeal to the Court of Appeal.

I trust you are satisfied with my response to your request. If not, you have a right under section 28(3) of the Act to ask the Office of the Ombudsman to seek an investigation and review of my decision.

Yours sincerely

Superintendent Barry Taylor

Director: Major Events

I never knew that there was a position in the New Zealand police for a ‘Director of Major Events’ This is reasonable enough when we realise that The ‘New Zealand Police’ are a company listed with Dun & Bradstreet.

The ‘New Zealand Police’ are a company listed with Dun & Bradstreet. The BFD.

I was also unaware that our Government was using our money to appeal a decision made in response to the privately funded ‘Pro Bono action of Mr Andrew Borrowdale. It smacks of the Judith Collins – David Bain compensation affair. After paying a retired Canadian Judge 400K to assess the case. Judith didn’t like the result so she kept paying out our money for other opinions until she got one that pleased her.

Although police inaction was what I suspected  Superintendent Barry is most definitely misplacing his trust if he trusts I find this satisfying. It adds further proof to my contention that there is no longer a rule of law in New Zealand that applies equally to all. Somehow the state is exempt from the legislation that they themselves create. (I think there‘s a word for that?). I acknowledge that much of it is substandard ill-conceived and often downright stupid.  But If state employees are exempt from it can I claim exemption too?

Possibly but to do so would make me complicit with their corruption.

What I am doing is contracting out of their dirty game on their synthetic playing field. So unlevelled it is more suitable for motocross than a good old honest game of footy.  Whatever it is they are selling with their corporations and directors of major events I’m not buying. The dilemma is how do I opt out of paying the taxes that support this chicanery ?

I’m open to suggestions…

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