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A Muslim woman carrying an antisemitic sign in Melbourne. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Imagine standing up at the opening of a Holocaust museum to announce that you’re fast-tracking visas for fleeing Nazis. That’s effectively what Australian PM Anthony Albanese has just done.

Almost 900 Palestinians granted temporary visas since Hamas’s October 7 attacks on Israel will be subject to security screening and character checks, as Anthony Albanese promised Jewish leaders he will never allow anti-Semitism to claim a foothold in Australia.

Too late, you cretinous clown. Anti-Semitism doesn’t just have a foothold, it’s goose-stepping in the streets of every major city by the tens of thousands. Aided and abetted by your own party, for cheap votes.

I guess they just look like ants from Airbus Albo’s taxpayer-funded luxury jet. From those lofty heights, too, it appears that Albanese is unable to hear the chants of “Gas the Jews” on the steps of the Opera House, or the demented bellowing of “From the River to the Sea”. Nor can he see the placards calling to “clean the world” of Jews.

Or worse: he can, but he cares more about the votes of anti-Semites.

Following the Israeli government’s announcement of a four-day pause in return for the release of hostages, the Albanese government on Wednesday revealed it had granted 860 temporary visitor visas for Palestinians who have close links to Australians.

Does that include the Australians who chanted, “Gas the Jews”? Just asking.

Or maybe such fine, upstanding representatives of the Palestinian community as Australia Palestine Advocacy Network president Nasser Mashni, who refused in an interview to condemn Hamas, advocates the destruction of the Israeli state, and babbles about “baying mob of Australian Jews” and that world power “all focus upon Zionism”.

Because we really need more of that. Thanks, Albo!

Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re going to say: Not all Palestinians! Spare me. Would we have been crazy enough to fast-track visas for Germans, right as WWII was raging? Because, not all Germans were Nazis, you know.

And, as Douglas Murray observed, when Palestinians vote Hamas into power and do little to resist them for decades, then all Palestinians must be considered complicit in some way in Hamas’ atrocities. When crowds of random Palestinians line the streets of Gaza to spit on and mutilate the raped corpse of Shani Louk as she’s paraded like a trophy, when crowds of random Palestinians gather to hoot and cheer at livestreams of the barbaric slaughter of Jews on October 7, then it’s perfectly reasonable to assume all Palestinians.

What’s not reasonable is to piously blatherskite about rejecting anti-Semitism at the same time you’re importing people who are almost certainly anti-Semites who wish to see the Jewish state eradicated.

Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong said all people granted visas to Australia between October 7 and November 20 were subject to appropriate security checks and that visas had also been issued to Israelis.

The Australian

Gosh, how generous of them.

Perhaps Anthony Albanese might want to consider why even neighbouring Muslim communities are so loathe to admit Palestinian refugees. Jordan and Egypt, for instance, resolutely refuse to admit Palestinian refugees. Jordan hasn’t forgotten the Black September civil war started by Palestinian refugees, nor Egypt that Palestinians tried to assassinate their president.

Not to worry, they can always rely on pathologically naive useful idiots like Anthony Albanese to throw the gates of the henhouse open wide.
