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Oh, Iran, you scallywags! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

There’s an old truism that’s as applicable to politics as it is to nature. Both are, after all, red in tooth and claw. That truism is that predators sense and target weakness.

Why else do you think Vladimir Putin has only launched invasions when a Democrat is in the White House? Or that Iran is most emboldened by the same?

From the very beginning of the current regime, Iran has constantly played on the weakness of Democrat presidencies, from the hostage crisis under Carter, to Obama handing Iran the keys to the nuclear club along with literal pallet loads of cash in the dead of night.

They’re at it again.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) heavily criticized President Biden’s recent hostage deal with Iran in a Sunday interview with radio host John Catsimatidis.

“We see Iran now emboldened because Joe Biden has released $6 billion to them,” Blackburn said on “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM. “We know — you know, John, they are not going to use that money to feed the poor. They are not going to use it to better the lives of their people. They’re going to use it to push forward on uranium enrichment and nuclear proliferation.”

The Hill

And on fancy new weapons.

And, right on cue, Iran is giving the middle finger to the patsies it’s played for dupes yet again.

The Navy criticized Iran as “unprofessional” after a U.S. helicopter was hit with lasers Wednesday.

Ooh, that’s telling them.

Next, Joe Biden will write them a letter. Maybe John Kerry will chime in with his trademark, “Uh, they’re not supposed to be doing that…” line.

I’m sure the mullahs are trembling in fear at this stuff:

“Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) interacted in an unsafe and unprofessional manner with a U.S. AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter, assigned to the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable), as the aircraft was conducting routine operations in the international airspace of the Arabian Gulf, Sept. 27,” said Cmdr. Rick Chernitzer, a U.S. Naval Forces Central Command spokesman, in a Thursday press release.

Rumour has it that radio operators even addressed American personnel by the wrong pronouns. The entire fleet needed intense trauma counselling. Emergency shipments of blankies and colouring books are being rushed to the Gulf even now.

The helicopter hit comes after five American hostages were freed and arrived in the U.S. earlier this month. The Biden administration allowed for the transfer of $6 billion of Iranian funds frozen in a Qatari bank as part of the deal, which was criticized by some.

“I want to get these Americans home more than anybody,” House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) said last month. “But we have to go in [with] eyes wide open. [The] $6 billion that now is going to go into Iran [will] prop up their proxy war, terror operations, and their nuclear bomb aspirations.”

The Hill

But they pinky promised!

Blowback surrounding the deal has come from both sides of the aisle. Both Republicans and some Democrats have expressed their concerns over whether the deal could further hostage-taking by other nations that do not like the U.S.

“If we’re paying a billion dollars per kidnapped individual, then you’re going to see more kidnappings. That’s why you don’t negotiate with terrorists; that’s why you don’t negotiate with kidnappers. The idea of basically paying to release, in this effect, a hostage is a terrible idea,” Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said.

The Hill

Don’t you miss the days of fire and fury?
