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Oldies Are a Danger to Democracy

old people couple sitting on a bench

Good morning; fellow right-wing nut-jobs.

Today it is my duty to remind all oldies to imbibe your falsehoods, which, according to the good and great people at Stuff, is what we do. Repeating a claim first used less than a week ago, the organ announced in an editorial yesterday just what a danger to democracy we truly are. That’s according to an oracle named Paul Brislen; a fellow who champions himself as a technology commentator and is ‘worried’ less about youngsters ‘imbibing falsehoods’ than ‘oldies’. The editorial writer assures us that Paul is ‘not alone’ in his concerns.

We are, along with being falsehood imbibers, ‘naifs’ (yes: really), ‘enchanted’ (yes; really), and easily deceived by the ‘deceptive eddies’ of social media. In last week’s article Brislen specifically noted the power of Facebook to deceive us, a source he alleges we are drawn to like naifs to a snake, or something:

“There are growing trends among older people to just use Facebook as a source of news and that alarms me,”

You would think a commentor might have evidence of such alarming evil before blurting such bulldust, which he surely does? Surely? Oh…

So there you have it: naifs, easily-enchanteds, falsehood imbibers: all the evidence you’ll ever need that Stuff really is pure nonsense. They’ll print anything that comes into their very empty talking heads; evidence is a stranger in their house and facts don’t matter.

PS: Stuff is going down the gurgler – can you believe it?
