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Olympic Success – Political Failure

sports signage
Photo by Bryan Turner

Dr Muriel Newman

The Olympic Games are over and New Zealand stands proud of the achievement of our athletes. In spite of the immense difficulties they have faced in this Covid-era, they exceeded expectations and brought home a record haul of medals.

Japan too, did itself proud, hosting an incredibly successful Games in the most challenging of circumstances.

What also makes the Olympics stand out for many New Zealanders is the refreshing absence of race and culture. A united team of Kiwis representing our country – one nation, one people.

While a united New Zealand is the aspiration of many, the reality is that Jacinda Ardern’s Government is taking the country in the opposite direction and proactively dividing us by race.

It shouldn’t be like this.

New Zealand needs to do what many other countries have done and remove all references to race from our Statute books.

Much of Europe has gone down this path – France and Sweden relatively recently.

Having experienced the deadly consequences of prioritising race, they have taken steps to ensure it can never happen again.

It’s time New Zealand politicians acknowledged the danger: by empowering tribalism, they are destroying democracy and dragging our country into a vortex of division and unrest.

New Zealand is now at a crossroads. If Kiwis don’t proactively back a colour-blind future – united by what we have in common instead of divided by our differences – then that small group of radical extremists, who already have their hands on the levers of power, will replace democracy with tribal rule.

Separatists have already gained control of the Labour Party. He Puapua is their blueprint for the future. By 2040 they want everything controlled by Maori – with veto rights over every major decision. Democracy will be meaningless.

In a recent article in the Herald, Richard Prebble, the former ACT Party leader and Labour Party Minister, attributed Labour’s fall in recent polls to extremism:

“The seeds of Labour’s polling woes were decided on election night. The party’s massive election majority means there is no handbrake. Perhaps more significant was Labour losing a Maori seat to the Maori Party. Labour’s 13 Maori MPs are in a contest with the Maori Party and are dragging Labour away from the middle, where elections are won. If Labour is not governing for all New Zealanders then the party will free-fall down the polls.”

Labour deserves to free-fall in the polls for what they are trying to do to New Zealand. The only reason they have not fallen further is that most New Zealanders remain blissfully unaware of the separatist agenda is redefining our country.

The blame for this situation lies largely with the media. Since accepting taxpayer funding, many news outlets have become lapdogs to Labour, promoting their racist agenda instead of challenging it. The new $55 million Public Interest Journalism Fund is making things worse by requiring journalists to promote the ridiculous lie that Queen Victoria entered into a ‘partnership’ with hundreds of primitive warring Maori tribes when she signed the Treaty of Waitangi.

Last month New Zealand On Air, which administers the Fund, released details of their allocations, showing Stuff received $300,800 for a “cultural competency course for Stuff journalists…to fundamentally shift representation in NZ media.”

Labour is now using taxpayers’ money to expand their propaganda machine by indoctrinating the media so they will “report” in a manner that advances the separatist agenda being promoted by their Maori Caucus.

It should therefore come as no surprise that the media are failing to ask the sort of critical questions needed to expose the slow-moving coup that is now underway under the auspices of He Puapua.

It’s therefore up to the rest of us to crank up our own networks to ensure as many Kiwis as possible become aware of what’s going on – before it’s too late.

In his article, Richard Prebble makes mention of Labour’s “loony policies”, and without a doubt, a procession of ill-advised decisions have been made by this Government since being first elected.

Some point to Jacinda Ardern herself as being radicalised towards extreme socialist ideology and they remind us that she remained President of the International Union of Socialist Youth even after being elected as a Member of our New Zealand Parliament, visiting Hungary eight months later to chair a festival of 3,000 “comrades”.

Extremism has underpinned her actions as Prime Minister. In 2018, without any official advice or even Cabinet approval, Jacinda Ardern effectively closed down the oil and gas industry in Taranaki, leaving New Zealand exposed to future natural gas shortages and power failures. With Monday’s blackouts coming hard on the heels of the decision to close the Marsden Point oil refinery, concerns that Government decisions are undermining electricity and fuel security, are escalating.

In 2019, Jacinda Ardern informed a New York meeting organised by Bill Gates, that she was embedding the deeply socialist United Nations Agenda 2030 into New Zealand’s legislative and regulatory framework.

Central to Agenda 2030 – and justifying the need for ‘urgent’ action – is the claim that human greenhouse gas emissions are destroying the planet and government regulation is the only answer.

But with 97 per cent of carbon in the atmosphere produced by nature and only 3 per cent by mankind, the human influence is too small to make a real difference. And at 0.1 per cent, New Zealand’s contribution is infinitesimal.

In spite of these inconvenient facts, Jacinda Ardern has not only declared a climate emergency, but she has committed New Zealand to lead the world in “transformative” policy reform.

Her draconian legislative prescription requiring ever-greater state intervention and control is now forcing up the cost of living.

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator, Barry Brill, a former MP and Minister of Energy, who has been investigating the information being provided by the Government as a basis for climate change policy development, shares his concerns:

“The Climate Change Minister James Shaw has published a Risk Assessment of the effects of global climate change on New Zealand during the next 5 years. It is a massive document which will form the basis of a National Adaptation Plan in the next few months. This Plan is expected to ‘transform the economy’ and have major impacts on private property rights.”

Barry explains that the Government is refusing to quantify the actual risk associated with climate threats:

“My informed guess is that the probability of all these threats is vanishingly small. I’m prepared to lay odds that there will be no detectable acceleration in sea level rise around New Zealand coasts in the next 50 years, let alone the next five. There has been no recorded increase in New Zealand’s average droughts, floods or storms in the past 50 years and the IPCC expects no increases in the next 50.”

Despite this reality, the alarmist predictions used by the Ardern Government in policy development are now causing price rises across the economy.

In particular, the increase in the Government’s carbon tax on fuel is driving up the price of everyday goods and services, especially food. Less than four months ago, the carbon tax on petrol was 9 cents a litre. Now, with the price of carbon under the Emissions Trading Scheme increasing from $39 to $46 a tonne, the carbon tax on petrol has risen to 11 cents a litre at the pump.

With increases in freight and manufacturing costs inevitably passed onto consumers, it’s no wonder that supermarket shopping is becoming more expensive.

But rather than admit their climate policies are forcing up the cost of food, the Government is villainising supermarket operators, claiming a lack of competition is to blame and ordering a Commerce Commission inquiry.

It’s the same strategy they used a few years ago when Government petrol tax increases caused sharp price rises – they blamed a lack of competition within the industry, despite taxes accounting for more than half of the pump price!

Incredibly, the Commerce Commission’s 500-page supermarket report doesn’t make any mention of carbon taxes or the ETS, even though these are key drivers of food price increases.

It’s not only the impact of carbon taxes on transportation that’s causing the problems – it’s also new regulations forcing producers and manufacturers to replace their low-cost coal and gas boilers with more expensive alternatives.

The bottom line is that the price hikes faced by shoppers are largely caused by Prime Minister Ardern’s extraordinarily harsh climate policies.

The Commerce Commission’s recommendations for regulatory interventions to increase competition in the food supply industry – which includes forcing supermarket chains to sell stores – also suggests State-run supermarkets!

Kai. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

What is astonishing is that Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark did not rule the concept out.

While it’s easy to dismiss such a prospect as another loony idea, one shouldn’t be too hasty, given Labour’s track record includes a ridiculous billion-dollar cycle-bridge that resulted in the cancellation of important projects to improve dangerous roads throughout the country; a stupid tax on utes to incentivise tradies and farmers into electric vehicle alternatives that don’t exist; and a $100 million rail link from Auckland to Hamilton which then Minister of Transport, Phil Twyford, described as a “crucial” transport link, which carries only 34 passengers a trip instead of the hundreds predicted.

It was Phil Twyford who also presided over “KiwiBuild”, Labour’s spectacular flagship policy failure that attracted the following newspaper headline last May: “KiwiBuild will take more than 400 years to reach original target”!

And let’s not forget Jacinda Ardern’s outrageous decision to give the Mongrel Mob $2.75 million of taxpayers’ money, just weeks after the Police had raided the gang and seized $2m in cash! Dubbed the ‘most successful money laundering scheme ever’, Police Association President Chris Cahill stated, “It is difficult to understand how those who promote the need for drug rehabilitation seem blind to the dreadful optics of this Mongrel Mob scenario – let alone have faith in this multi-million-dollar scheme to do anything but line the pockets of key gang leaders.”

But taking the prize for loony ideas, must surely be Three Waters.

The underlying purpose of Labour’s massive upheaval of council-run freshwater, stormwater and wastewater services is to transfer control of New Zealand water to Maori. Three Waters is He Puapua in action.

Despite the Government holding more than 60 consultation meetings with Maori over the scheme – and the Local Government Act requiring councils to consult ratepayers if they are considering transferring water assets – councils are being directed by the Government not to consult their communities over Three Waters.

While on the one hand Labour is claiming it’s “too early” for councils to ask ratepayers whether they should consider giving away their water assets, on the other hand – in an act of eye-watering hypocrisy – communities are being bombarded with a $3.5 million taxpayer-funded propaganda campaign aimed at undermining public confidence in council water management.

Councils should not allow themselves to be bullied by the Ardern Government. Nor should they allow them to discredit their reputation. They need to take a stand and set the record straight: inform their ratepayers about Three Waters – and hold a referendum to let their community decide whether their assets should be retained or given away.

The reality is that Labour doesn’t want councils to consult their communities over Three Waters – they are afraid that if the public realises the underlying objective is to give control of water to Maori, they will oppose their scheme.

To help ensure the public becomes fully aware of what’s going on and what’s at stake, please visit our Three Waters campaign page HERE and assist in any way that you can.

A final thought – a warning allegedly issued to the American people by Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev in 1959:

“Your children’s children will live under communism. You are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you; We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”

Could this be where New Zealand is now heading?

This Week’s Poll Asks:

*Is Jacinda Ardern the most radical Prime Minister New Zealand has ever had?

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