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One Country, One People, One Law

Blend Maori Pakeha European English

Why on earth does the National leader, Christopher Luxon, bother to go to Ngaruawahia? Is it a case of if you don’t go you’re insulting your supposed hosts, and if you do go it’s their chance to insult you? Regardless, it serves no useful purpose. ACT and NZ First had the good sense to stay away. A better idea would be to scrap the Maori seats because they serve no useful purpose.

It is now 2023 and the time is well past when the priority should be to ensure we are all one people living under the same laws. National has to stop pandering to one small sector of Maoridom. There are no votes in it for them. The elite know their best chance of screwing the rest of us is to stick with Labour. The last six years and particularly the last three since Winston left, are proof of that. The Labour Maori caucus has virtually run the show to the detriment of our country.

The leaders were told by Che Wilson, the former president of the Maori Party, not to treat Maori as a political football. Che seems oblivious to the fact that under this Labour administration they’ve got more points on the board than anyone else. He said to the leaders it was not in their political manifesto to belittle Maori in their own whenua. Whenua refers to people who are connected physically and spiritually to the land. It could be argued that it is the Maori elite who are belittling their own.

Kingitanga spokesperson Rahui Papa said that Maori had “stood up” for the country with activities “carried out by Maori for the benefit of the nation”, such as vaccination drives during Covid-19 and marae sheltering displaced people during extreme weather events. All very laudable, but there were many others contributing in various ways. Why do the Maori elite put themselves up as special people doing special things? It suggests perhaps an inferiority complex.

Papa says that whatever the outcome of this year’s election, he wants a commitment for kawanatanga (government) and rangatiratanga (Maori leadership) to work together. Let’s not fool ourselves, that is code for ‘give us what we want’. He said, “Either work with us or get out of the way.” Thanks for the choice. If the government gets out of the way, which it should, where’s the money Papa will obviously be looking for going to come from? I doubt his intention is for Maori to use their own. Here’s the reality: it’s give me the money, then get out of the way.

Labour have been told by Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson to up their game. That’s a bit rich coming from one of the government’s worst-performing ministers. Even more interesting was the Labour minister who provided the reply: none other than the chair of the Maori Caucus, Willie Jackson, the ringmaster of the current circus. His reply was along the lines of ‘we’ll talk to them later: we’re focusing on looking after ourselves’. I think he was trying to hoodwink us into thinking the ‘ourselves’ was the Labour Party, rather than the Maori elite.

The Maori King, Kingi Tuheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero, the country’s most celebrated truck driver, said it’s time for Maori to lead the change needed for the future prosperity of Aotearoa. In his annual kororeihana (coronation) address at Turangawaewae Marae, the Maori King implored the country to allow iwi Maori to take charge. Is he serious? That would cause more damage than Seymour blowing up the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs.

The king said he had visited Starship Hospital and noticed that most of the tamariki were of his ethnicity and things needed to change. Certainly their diet does. Moreover, he’s had the change, in the form of the Maori Health Authority. It’s been there for a year, achieved nothing, and deserves the same fate as Pacific Island Affairs. A change of government will see a more peaceful end to its unwanted existence.

The king went further and said that Maori will only see the change we need when there is unity in the Beehive. Maori MPs must be the change Aotearoa needs. Does he really think the country wants, or would put up with, Willie Jackson as the Queen Bee?  In conclusion Kingi Tuheitia offered Te Kingitanga as a korowai for iwi, hapu and tangata Tiriti that “protects us all and gives room for our rangatahi to grow and our kaumatua to be safe”. Whatever that means. “That’s the Aotearoa we need.”

I don’t think so. We need one country, New Zealand, one people, and one law for all. Reading between the lines, that is not what the speakers at the coronation have in mind, unless they are ruling the roost. That, of course, is not acceptable to the majority and National need to be cognisant of that fact and give Maori no more than equal rights.

To top it all off Rawiri Waititi, co-leader of the Maori Party, has called for diplomatic status for the king so he has the same rights as King Charles. He wants him to receive “the keys to the country”. So what would follow on from that? The taxpayer would be up for hundreds of millions of dollars to fund the king, his lifestyle, and probably hundreds of hangers-on.

Prime Minister Hipkins has been silly enough to seek advice on the matter. I have a very uncomfortable feeling Luxon would do the same. This is a nonsense the country neither needs, nor wants nor can afford. The Maori elite need to realise their best chance of progress for their race is us all living as one people. Their penchant for riling up the populace with constant vitriol does nothing except cause division and malice.

Debbie Ngawera-Packer wonders why so many of her election hoardings are being damaged. She is her own worst enemy, but try telling her that. If she and her fellow elites think they’re right and the rest of us are wrong, let’s have a referendum on it as Australia is doing. They won’t, because they know the result would not be to their liking.
