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A traditional Welcome to Country. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Remember how Marcia Langton promised us we’d never have to hear another fatuous “Welcome to Country” if the Voice referendum failed?

Well, we’re waiting for that promise to come good.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has demanded a ban on Welcome to Country rituals in the wake of the referendum defeat for the Voice to Parliament.

She said she wanted to hold leading Voice architect Professor Marcia Langton to her vow made in April that a No vote would end her performances of the ceremony.

‘We can only hope this promise is lived up to,’ said senator Hanson in a post on X of a speech she was unable to give in Parliament because of a censure motion.

Daily Mail Australia

Hanson is currently banned from speaking in the Senate because she upset the odious, anti-Semitic Greens leader, Pakistani-born Mehreen Faruqi. Sick of Faruqi’s endless bashing of the country which took her in, Hansen suggested Faruqi would prefer to be back in Pakistan. She even offered to drive her to the airport.

Meanwhile, Faruqi cheers on Palestinian terrorists and poses with signs urging the genocide of Jews.

Yet, Pauline is the one banned from speaking.

Meanwhile, at least one council has grown impatient with Langton and the rest of the Aboriginal Industry to make good on their promise.

A huge council has become the first to axe Welcome to Country acknowledgements at its meetings since the Voice to Parliament referendum was defeated.

Northern Areas Council, 200km north of Adelaide, earlier this month passed a motion to remove the official acknowledgement from meetings and remove it from official correspondence.

Mayor Sue Scarman said an Acknowledgement of Country had been read at the start of council meetings for two years.

Councillors had decided to dump the ritual because Australia was ‘one country’.

Northern Areas Council, like much of South Australia, includes heavily Aboriginal areas. Yet, South Australia voted solidly No at the referendum — not just 62% No overall, but all ten of its federal electorates. Now, it’s leading Australia in rejecting the divisive, fatuous, made-up garbage of “Welcome to Country”.

[Pauline Hanson] claimed Australians, some of them Indigenous people, were ‘sick’ of the ritual.

‘They’re recited at the beginning of every parliamentary sitting day, every council meeting, and every zoom meeting held by public servants,’ she continued.

‘We hear them at the conclusion of every domestic flight – you can hear the groans in the cabin every time.

‘They have effectively lost all meaning for their constant repetition.

‘Australians – including many Indigenous people – are sick and tired of them. They are sick of being told Australia is not their country.’

Daily Mail Australia

Other councils have so far resisted motions to ditch the virtue-signalling nonsense, but others are considering it. And the sense of frustration and annoyance among ordinary Australians is growing palpable.

Hopefully, this one council is just the start.
