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One Nation Moves to End Transgender ‘Self-Identification’ in NSW

Ze dude looks like xe lady.

For too long, far-left activists and their acolytes in the education bureaucracy have been given free rein to use schools as their personal laboratories to subject impressionable children to loopy Marxist ‘theories’. Parents have been left dumbfounded and helpless to act. Any who’ve dared speak out are bullied and viciously and publicly abused as “bigots”. Campaigns of harassment have almost destroyed careers. Those few academics with the integrity and courage to say the obvious – that “gender theory” is pseudo-scientific, dangerous quackery – are vilified and even physically attacked.

Finally, though, at least one political party is daring to push back against the creepy grooming of an entire generation.

To avoid abuse of the school education system and official government documentation, NSW One Nation will end transgender self-identification in the State.

“Gender Theory” literally teaches that a person may change their sex from day to day, or even more often.

Instead of people being able to say they are male one day, female the next (and then back to male if they so wish) they will need specialist medical evidence and support to change their gender. We reject the Leftist notion of ‘gender fluidity’ and the confusion it is causing, especially among young people in NSW schools.

Like all the odious derivatives of Marxism, transgender ideology is founded wholly on lies, ignorance and pseudo-science.

The 2016 Census revealed 1300 Australians identifying themselves as transgender, or 0.005 percent of the population. Yet to listen to the Leftist hype about this issue, you would think there were 13 million.

In reality, with very few exceptions, people are born either male or female. To move away from this biological truth later in life is a serious matter requiring specialist medical evidence. It should not happen because of Leftist ideology, individual whims or novelty factors.

One Nation does not believe that gender changes should be self-identified on NSW Government forms, permits and licences…currently the policy at Service NSW is that “an application for changing gender is a matter for each agency, it’s up to them.” One Nation supports the introduction of a government rule across-the-board prohibiting individual self-identification.

At its worst, transgender theory is dangerous pap which uniquely exposes women and children to unscrupulous predators, via “self-identification” laws.

We are particularly concerned by the damaging impact of gender self-identification inside the schools system. Gender fluidity programs are part of a Leftist attempt to make young people feel confused and agitated about their identity, rising up against society as part of a political push.

One of the problems with gender fluidity in schools is that students can participate in it simply by ‘identifying’ as transgender. This leaves the system open to abuse, with some students milking transgender identification for special treatment or attention-seeking reasons.

In a country NSW high school, for instance, a student is notorious for changing her gender like clockwork. If she is wearing a hat at school, it’s to show that she’s a boy that day. When the hat is off, often the next day, supposedly she’s a girl.

The Big Lie of transgenderism is that simply stating a plain, biological fact, will drive the tiny minority of so-called “transgenders” to suicide. Not only is this egregious emotional blackmail, but it also avoids the real issue: “transgenderism” is demonstrably associated with a host of psychological problems. Transgenderism itself is the cause of the shocking rates of suicide in the “transgender” community.

The school’s teachers regard the situation as a clear gaming of the system (showing off to friends) but feel powerless under departmental guidelines. With so much focus on mental health, no one can say a word to the student for fear of self-harm and a certain end to that teacher’s career. Effectively, the Mad Hatter has more power than the teachers and principal.

[…] Schools made a big mistake when they stopped being places of learning and ventured into the world of mental health assessment and radical gender theory…the real mental health issue [is] bringing confusion and harm to young people by telling them gender is ‘socially constructed’ and ‘fluid’.

NSW One Nation believes in supporting biological and medical science, rather than radical Left-wing propaganda.
