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One Simple Trick to Not Get Monkeypox

What’s the best way to announce to an unwilling world that you’re willing to fly thousands of miles to turn your backside into a 24/7, all-access sperm bank? To answer the question that absolutely nobody wanted to know, just turn to the ABC.

Queenslanders at risk of catching monkeypox are trying to get vaccinated before travelling to overseas hotspots […]

Brisbane student Karl Townsend, 27, has been trying to get vaccinated before travelling to Italy for an exchange on Sunday, but has had “no luck”.

ABC Australia

An exchange of what, I dare not ask.

Because, as everyone who isn’t a health bureaucrat or an ABC journalist knows, the “overseas hotspots” for monkeypox are “Pride” festivals and gay saunas, where rampant, unprotected promiscuity is the order of the day.

As one frustrated US epidemiologist put it, if there was an epidemic of disease that was being spread by people bowling, the simplest solution would be to ask people to stop bowling for a while. But no such restraint is allowed to be asked of the “LGBTQI+” brigade.

During Covid, you were selfish and a public health risk for sitting in the park alone without a mask.

During Monkeypox, not having sex with strangers for a few months is unreasonable and can’t be questioned.

“I don’t have the option to even try and protect myself,” Mr Townsend said.

Well, apart from not having unprotected sex with dozens of men. Which is apparently just too much to ask.

Wendell Rosevear – a general practitioner at a Brisbane clinic specialising in LGBTQI+ healthcare […] said transmission here was “inevitable” as more Australians dusted off their passports.

And whipped out their dicks and lubed up their arseholes.

The clinic’s manager, Arian Waldock, said […] “People are just wanting to be proactive and keep themselves safe.”

Easy done: just go easy on the barebacking orgies. You won’t need any jab if you just give up poo-jabbing with dozens of strangers for a while.

But why would anyone expect gay men to adopt simple preventive strategies, when medical “advice” is too often blatant lies?

Dr Rosevear said anyone could catch monkeypox and it was not classified as a sexually transmitted infection, though most of the spread was between men having sex with each other.

ABC Australia

This is the constant refrain we’re being fed by a cowardly, mendacious public health bureaucracy: “anyone can catch it”, “it can be spread through casual contact”. While these are technically true, it’s not how the monkeypox outbreak is being practically spread.

An expanding cadre of experts has come to believe that sex between men itself – both anal as well as oral intercourse – is likely the main driver of global monkeypox transmission. The skin contact that comes with sex, these experts say, is probably much less of a risk factor.

In recent weeks, a growing body of scientific evidence – including a trio of studies published in peer-reviewed journals, as well as reports from national, regional and global health authorities – has suggested that experts may have framed monkeypox’s typical transmission route precisely backward.

So, they lied, and we know they lied. Why? They claim it was to “reduce stigma” – but, in fact, all they’ve done is make the outbreak immeasurably worse by coddling a false sense of security among gay men who have a taste for all-in orgies.

“A growing body of evidence supports that sexual transmission, particularly through seminal fluids, is occurring with the current MPX outbreak,” said Dr Aniruddha Hazra, medical director of the University of Chicago Sexual Wellness Clinic, referring to monkeypox and to recent studies that found the virus in semen.

Dr Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz [said] “It looks very clear to us that this is an infection that is transmitting sexually the vast majority of the time.”


But I’m sure the “non-monogamous gay couple’s” dog caught it off the toilet seat…
