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Arrested for being Jewish in Melbourne. The BFD.

The rise to power of the worst dictators of modern history was too often abetted by the weakness or connivance of police forces. In Italy, the weakness of its police forces meant that they were easily browbeaten by the Fascists (where they didn’t willfully co-operate). Similarly, in Weimar Germany, police were weak and fragmented, and moreover sympathetic to the Nazis. So, as historian William Shirer describes, gangs of Nazi thugs ran amok in the streets while police hung back, watching and grinning.

Which brings us to Australia in 2024.

When a mob of Muslim thugs descended on the Sydney Opera House on October 8 last year, to attack a memorial to the victims of Hamas’ slaughter, chanting anti-Semitic slogans and setting off flares, police did nothing to stop them. The only person arrested that dreadful night was a Jewish man, simply for trying to attend the memorial.

Now it’s happening in Melbourne. When a Jewish man trying to lawfully attend a council meeting was assaulted by a Palestinian mob — he was the only person arrested.

An Australian Jew attending a Melbourne council meeting was assaulted by anti-Israel protesters and then removed from the area by police, sparking questions about antisemitism and police intervention.

Mark insists he held no intention to provoke the crowd. He arrived with a valid ticket and was attempting to enter the meeting when he encountered a group of Palestinian demonstrators blocking the entrance.

To make Victoria Police’s complicity even more shocking, Mark was in fact following the directions of police of how to enter the meeting. The same police who, moments later, threw him in an arm lock and frog-marched him away.

Now, the pallies and the police are lying through their teeth about the whole thing.

He denies claims that he and his companions waved Israeli flags, insisting they were trying to access the meeting.

[Victoria Police statement:] “Police removed the men from the group for their own safety and when one did not have a valid entry ticket they were moved on from the area.

While no one reported any assaults to us at the time…”

Fortunately, the entire episode was videoed. Not only does it show not a single Israeli flag, but it also shows the assault on Mark and his companion Yaacov taking place in full view of police. It also shows Mark and others saying, repeatedly, that “those people assaulted me”, and asking police to arrest them.

According to Mark and corroborating footage, the demonstrators physically assaulted him and his friend Yaacov while police allegedly stood by without intervening on his behalf.

Mark requested police apprehend his attackers; they instead dragged him away and banned him from Melbourne City for 24 hours […]

The incident has ignited controversy, raising concerns about rising antisemitism and the adequacy of police response.

Rebel News

Watch the video for yourself, here:

Like many of us, Jewish Australians are realising just how a civilised nation slides into atrocity.

Jewish creatives doxxed by pro-Palestine activists have received death threats, had their families harassed, been sent swastikas and called a “cancer” in online hate mail – saying the drawing up of “Jew lists” evoked the Holocaust.

One of those targeted, Zara Cooper, said she could never previously understand how the Holocaust had happened. “Now I can viscerally see what our ancestors must have felt,” she said.

We’re even seeing the 21st century equivalent of the infamous yellow stars. Thanks, as it happens, to hateful left-wing “anti-racists”, such as prominent feminist Clementine Ford, who published a “Jew list” of names and addresses, photographs, and workplaces.

Speaking to The Australian, five of those who had their details leaked – some with their picture included in what one described as a “most wanted” list – said they had a “target on their backs”.

Others spoke on the condition of anonymity, given harassment since the incident and fear of ­reprisal. Some had anti-Semitic stickers plastered outside their workplace, received hate mail – one from a convicted stalker – and had business partners told they were working with a “genocidal maniac”. Others said they had gone into hiding.

So, we’re at the “hiding Jews under the floorboards” stage, now?

“I was in shock, you never ­expect something like that to happen,” [Ms Cooper] said.

The Australian

Sadly, she speaks for a great many of us.
