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One, Two – Bend over and Do the Kiwi Kowtow!

Foolish leaders deal with the devil at their peril. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The extraordinary intervention of the government of “New Xi-Land” (as one tabloid dubbed it) in China’s trade and diplomatic war assault on Australia has not gone unnoticed. As I wrote for The BFD, Jacinda Ardern and her government appear to have decided just whose side they’re on – and the “Queen of Kindness” has scurried to lick the boots of a genocidal communist dictatorship.

New Zealand has offered to teach Australia its special brand of bend-over diplomacy in order to get back into China’s good books. The generous offer came from Kiwi Trade Minister Damien O’Connor who went as far as offering to mediate a trade settlement (by which he meant a capitulation) on our behalf. It comes a month after his kowtowing colleague, New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta, offered to negotiate a truce (by which she meant a surrender) with China.

So, what’s the deal? Is it just the eternal naïveté of a socialist? What possible reason could a vacuous airhead who continually blithers about “kindness” have for siding with a regime whose idea of “kindness” is sending dissidents to re-education camps instead of butchering them for transplant organs?

It’s all about the Benjamins – or, more accurately, the Renminbi.

But more significantly, it comes just two days after China agreed to give New Zealand more of their money, in part to further punish Australia for having the temerity to ask questions about coronavirus.

As they say, those Kiwis are bought and paid for.

Ardern might steam the undies of lickspittle journalists by wittering about a “wellbeing budget”, but when push comes to shove, she’s as desperate for the filthiest of lucre as any grubby politician.

Mr O’Conner said Australia needed to “show more respect” (by which he meant ignore China’s appalling human rights record) and “be more careful with wording” (by which he meant be more liberal with flattery) if we wanted a good relationship with China (by which he meant become China’s bitch)[…]

Clearly, Mr O’Conner’s lecture (by which I mean slap with a feather) was part and parcel of New Zealand’s trade deal with China, wherein they are required to speak on behalf of China against those refusing to be subjugated.

The only thing more odious than a bully is the pathetic, weakling toady who cowers behind them, egging them on and tattling on the other kids.

Every bully has his minions and they enjoy a special protected status. Of course, part of their role as is to fulfil certain needs of the bully.

Understanding this, the Australian Government did not take New Zealand’s advice as seriously as if New Zealand government ministers had been talking about something they actually understood (by which I mean rugby union or sheep)[…]

Australia would be ill-advised to ignore the naivety (by which I mean lack of experience, wisdom and judgement) demonstrated by our cousins across the Ditch.

In some ways, I guess, we now know why Donald Trump threatened to quit NATO. The modern European economy owes nearly everything to America, which rebuilt the continent after yet another internecine war had left it in smoking ruins. Then Europe spent decades cowering behind America’s military might keeping communism at bay.

All while the fashionable European elite sneered at America and their leaders refused to pull their treaty-mandated weight.

New Zealand pulled out of ANZUS yet still expects Australia and the US to protect them. Now they insist on flirting with China at the very time Australia and the US are trying to keep China out.

In the event that China ever tries to invade New Zealand they will no doubt put up a spirited defence (by which I mean scream for Australia’s help).

When Trump laid down the law and threatened to walk away from NATO, European leaders shat themselves.

New Zealand (by which I mean a lamb that loves the abattoirs) is about to sell its soul to China for easy money, and its effort to have us sit down with China is just another ploy by China to have us acquiesce to their demands.

Spectator Australia

Jacinda Ardern – and those who voted in droves for her – might want to dance with the bear, but they ought to think twice about poking the kangaroo.

Australia has learned the hard way about the folly of dealing with China. By the time New Zealand is a puppet-state of the Chinese empire, New Zealanders will have plenty of leisure to repent Ardern’s greedy haste – and a shorter list of friends left to turn to.

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