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Open Letter to Medical Profession

black and silver fountain pen
Photo by Álvaro Serrano. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

Dear Medical Profession Colleagues

It has become obvious Comirnaty has failed as a vaccine. The promise of individual and herd immunity has not materialised. Instead the fully ‘vaccinated’ and boosted are becoming infected and reinfected at similar or possibly increased rates compared to the unvaccinated.  The evidence showing Comirnaty reduces Covid-19 severity and hospitalisations could be true or the result of categorisation errors. True or not, what effect do the serious adverse events and deaths caused by Comirnaty have on all cause mortality and morbidity? It’s safe and effective? How safe is it?

The CDC has acknowledged some serious adverse events. An Australian group of medical professionals has gathered a list of 1,000 peer-reviewed papers questioning Covid-19 vaccine safety. Peter Doshi, a BMJ editor, claims the excess risk of AESIs (adverse events of special interest) is greater than the reduction in COVID-19 hospitalisations. The package insert which comes with Comirnaty states, “data …. are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy”. It also states that “it has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, or impairment of male fertility.

A group of Canadian health practitioners eviscerates Pfizer’s Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT), labelling the ‘vaccine’ a toxic agent.  Unexplained non covid excess deaths are being reported in many places. 1,  2,  3,  4,  5.  And all we hear from our politicians, the MSM and experts is that the vaccine is safe and effective, safe and effective, get your booster.

Serious adverse events possibly caused by Comirnaty are too often obfuscated, denied and or brushed aside, not investigated or taken seriously by doctors and others. The stories of Maddie De Garay  at 31.40 minutes and Brianne Dressen at 38 minutes, both in vaccine trials, demonstrate this.  The only safety checks on this world wide ‘vaccine’ roll out are voluntary reporting systems such as VAERS. Scroll down to the two graphs on this page and notice the massive spike of serious adverse events. It’s striking. Why hasn’t there been any active monitoring?

Here an informed layman lets the FDA commission know what he thinks, in an impressive 3 minute take down.  A doctor pours scorn on the FDA’s authorisation of the mRNA vaccine for kids. This evolutionary biologist’s concerns need to be heeded and responded to. This 20 minute senate hearing is a must watch as is this one which comes in three parts, highlight some vaccines that have had harmful outcomes and have had been withdrawn. Not all past vaccines have been safe and effective.

Rebut this if you can. Go on. Rebut it if you dare

It’s okay to ignore all of the above and attempt to inject the entire planet with a product that has no long-term safety data. It’s safe and effective for everyone, kids, infants, pregnant women – really, let’s forget Thalidomide, shall we. It’s so safe, it’s okay to twist the truth, exaggerate benefit, minimise harm, coerce and force people to comply and pretend the requirements of informed consent are being met. It’s okay to mandate folk out of their jobs, split families and friends. It’s okay to deny those deserving of an exemption from having one.

Has the medical profession gone stark raving mad? My dad, a devoted GP to thousands of patients, would say yes. He realised early on this his main job was to keep patients safe from “the system”.

Our prime minister’s kindness has evaporated and has been replaced with denial, distortion, coldness and cruelty, creating a medical system more akin to a systematic oppression of its people than to promoting health. It is up to us, the medical profession, to reclaim medicine.

We could be heading into a catastrophe, if the medical profession doesn’t wake up, grow some balls and bring an end to this madness. Please take a dose of humility, gird your loins, admit error and prepare to fight for the scientific method, open debate, informed consent, an end to coercion and the lie of ‘safe and effective’. Your patients need your support and protection.

Join NZDSOS’ Truth Project

The medical profession and nursing / allied health are invited to disclose what they are seeing since the rollout of the injections, to The Truth Project.
