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Open Letter to New Zealand MPs

black and silver fountain pen
Photo by Álvaro Serrano. The BFD.

Guy Hatchard

Dr Guy Hatchard is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa.



October 29 2022

In 1923 three of America’s largest corporations formed a company to add tetraethyl lead to petrol. They omitted to mention it included lead and simply called their additive ‘ethyl’.

Almost immediately, production workers began to exhibit the discoordination and confusion that mark those severely poisoned by lead. Bill Bryson records that almost immediately, the Ethyl Corporation embarked on a global policy of calm but unyielding denial that would serve it well for decades.

In 2020 the world’s largest pharmaceutical corporations introduced biotech experimental injections derived from risky gene therapy research, they called them ‘vaccines’ because vaccines are universally recognised as safe and effective. Their products were neither. Even early recipients had high rates of injury, death, and pregnancy complications. Simultaneously, the manufacturing corporations obfuscated and hid this data and launched a global campaign of public relations and political lobbying on a scale never before seen in the field of public health.

If you think this is a conspiracy theory, think again. Time you looked at our Ministry of Health statistics with an open mind.

Image Credit:

The latest MoH data on Covid deaths shows that 53% of the New Zealand population are boosted but account for 71% of Covid deaths, whereas 16% are unvaccinated and account for just 12% of deaths.

Still births per 1,000 in 2021 are up 10% compared to pre-pandemic rates and our birth rate per 1,000 population is down 10%.

Our hospitals and emergency services are still overwhelmed and no one knows quite why. Overseas rates of cancer, cardiac events, and respiratory conditions are up where data is published, but the New Zealand figures are not being made available. Why?

All cause mortality has reached record levels in 2022, at one point 26% above historical levels. The number of excess all-cause deaths greatly exceeds the number attributed to Covid.

Dr Helen Petousis-Harris, New Zealand’s leading vaccinologist, in an interview on 11th October with Radio New Zealand said:

I wouldn’t be running out to get myself boosted. I don’t think it would be particularly useful. I don’t see any evidence to suggest it is going to benefit me.”

And yet MPs are sitting and considering a Bill to allow coroners to avoid recording a cause of death, while MoH is gearing up to regularise mRNA vaccination. In other words, parliament feels that less investigation is called for, not more. Why?

You are possibly also unaware that the origins of the Covid virus are increasingly well understood. A published scientific study has uncovered multiple microbiological signatures of synthetic genetic splicing in the Covid viral DNA, while even heavily pro-vaccine publications like Propublica have located a smoking gun in Chinese documents. Covid-19 came from a lab accident in Wuhan.

I needn’t remind you that the lab leak origin of Covid was labelled a conspiracy theory last year by Te Punaha Matatini. Nor that government with cross party support has poured millions into saturation advertising and MSM coverage telling the public that mRNA technology is safe and effective. It isn’t.

Little has been said recently about the Ardern doctrine that the government should be ‘our one source of truth’. The folly and naivete of this pronouncement from the lectern is now obvious. Science is a process that cannot be rushed to conclusions, it can only be based on evidence. We should not have insisted that the whole population be coerced to participate in experimental biotech interventions.

The purchase agreement we signed with Pfizer included the rider that the government acknowledges that the long term outcome of mRNA vaccination is unknown. The implications of this never filtered down into our pandemic policy. The government chose to endorse safety without evidence. The long-term health outcomes of mRNA vaccination and pandemic policy remain unknown.

Repeated representations to government to include vaccination status on death certificates have been ignored. Without this, meaningful research into the effect of pandemic policies is impossible. The implication of a cover up is hard to avoid.

The absence of meaningful public debate, the suppression of a free press, the cancellation of dissenting expert opinion, and the politicisation of science are all hallmarks of a repressive state overreaching itself. It does no credit to New Zealand and endangers the future of our civil society. Time to wake up.


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