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The BFD. Photo by Helloquence

John Rofe

It seems that our PM and Minister for Climate Change are determined to keep repeating the lies spread by the UN IPCC and their socialist cronies, together with active support from NIWA and the Ministry for the Environment, that we humans have a detrimental effect on the earth’s climate when it is the variability of the solar cycles – moderated by the impacts of the water cycle – that truly influence both climate and weather.

One or two of you understand that by demonising CO2 you make yourselves look ignorant and yet you are too scared to stand against a clear and present fraud.

I may be an experienced fraud investigator and forensic analyst, but any person with a modicum of common sense can see that in your decision-making and the governance of the Climate Change Commission, you have “given to the fox the management of the hen-house”.  Sack the lot.

I can now prove by simple arithmetic that humans don’t influence the climate to any material effect but you all have closed minds.

As media representatives or Parliamentarians, your lack of zeal in questioning the three fundamental lies and willingness to promote the Great Global Warming fraud simply denotes a failure in your duty of care to taxpayers.
  1. Human carbon emissions have no effect on the climate and there is nothing of substance to support that lie.
  2. The suggestion that CO2 is a pollutant could be understandable coming from an ignorant child but coming from someone claiming to be an environmentalist means that person is lying about their credentials.
  3. The suggestion that humanity can change the climate by reducing atmospheric CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions is so easily disproven that those accepting that line of argument must have avoided asking even the easiest of questions.

Your actions aren’t just mistaken.  There is no Climate Emergency.

The marked degree of distance between the truth and your own assertions denotes your own activities as potentially fraudulent. The leaders at the UN  are open about their global power grab and cynically leverage off your complicity to avoid being held to account.


Theirs is the biggest fraud in world history. It was clear to the Russians and the majority of those in emerging economies that was the case and, aside from the willingness of those ramping up their own emissions, and their aspirations, to benefit from the stupidity and ignorance of people like you, few intend or have the ability to prostrate their economies to the nonsense promoted by unaccountable UN bureaucrats.

The Russian Academy of Sciences stands by the validity of their own scientific experiments which show natural forces as the cause of climate change. The Russians are most affected by both warming and cooling of climate and weather, so their infrastructure projects are designed to cater for the coming forecast changes – cooling, not warming.

My letter to Minister Shaw of 15 May 2019 that contained allegations of your government’s complicity in the promotion of fraud is still accurate and relevant.

Given my career history of unravelling frauds of all shapes and sizes, and the fact I benefit in some of my investment projects from the very fraud that you are either covering up with active censorship or promoting, by your action or inaction, I have a clear duty to reveal what I know and demand an investigation by the proper authorities.

Please stop hiding behind your woke protocols and agree to commission a full enquiry.

I am happy to stand by my analysis of the difference between the science-based Russian facts and UN IPCC bullshit.

From my investigations, I have encountered at least one member of the Climate Change Commission attacking the reputation and credibility of the brilliant scientists who perform their work for the good of humanity despite continual harassment. I have been distressed by the way “playing the man rather than the ball” has been used to destroy blemish-free careers. While this activity is common for fraudsters, hundreds if not thousands of reputations have been destroyed, to either advance or defend the UN IPCC’s cynical and deliberate climate fraud.

Your role in the fraud is a tribute to either the poor advice you are getting or your own malfeasance.

Please sharpen up your act while you can.

In the unlikely event you are remotely interested in the environment as opposed to your PC career aspirations, I will be prepared to show you the sort of things an environmentally serious person invests in. Certainly, if you are an environmentalist it will capture your attention and hopefully imagination.

Yours sincerely

John Rofe

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