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Open the Trans-Tasman Bubble Now!


Judith Collins
Leader National Party

Yesterday, National launched a petition calling on the Government to get a move on with the trans-Tasman travel bubble. It’s now been signed by over 30,000 people who back our call.

Australia has welcomed people quarantine-free from New Zealand since October last year, but after 9 months and 12 rounds of talks New Zealand won’t return the favour.

Our tourism industry is on its knees. Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA) says lives and livelihoods are at stake and we just need to get on with it. A travel bubble with Australia would be just the lifeline they need right now.

Otago University Professor, and leading epidemiologist, Michael Baker also says the travel bubble can be done safely, with Australia presenting incredibly low risk to New Zealand.

Click here to show your support by signing our petition

There are so many benefits to the bubble. It would allow families to be reunited. It frees up space in Managed Isolation (30-40% of people in MIQ are from Australia), meaning more space for Kiwis abroad and critical workers. And it will help our hard-hit tourism industry.

Like New Zealand, Australia has done a great job at eliminating COVID-19.

Let’s take the next step and open the trans-Tasman travel bubble.

Please show your support and sign our petition.

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