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Or they could buy each cyclist a Porsche

A bird’s eye view of the proposed shared pathway between Ngauranga and Petone.

The Ngauranga-to-Petone section shared cycleway, is expected to cost between $76 million and $94million dollars. It will be used by a very small number of people as that is the reality for cycleways all over New Zealand.

If we were to divide the cost by the number of people who will use it over the next ten years I am sure that it would work out much cheaper in the long run if the Wellington council simply bought each cyclist a Porsche.

NZTA/SUPPLIED The original concept design for the shared cycleway and walkway between Ngauranga and Petone.

The cycleway will form part of the Great Harbour Way around Wellington Harbour and it looks as if it has been located very close to the water’s edge. I thought that there was a climate crisis going on. Oh well, I guess the proposed reclamation of land via a seawall will make this all okay.

The design features a seawall to protect the coastline from erosion and storm surges that threaten to undermine the rail corridor.
NZTA said the cost partly reflected the expense of coastal reclamation needed to deliver the project.
end quote.

