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orange for the win

The Government waited for the Princess of the Pestilence to jog off overseas before delivering the bad news that we can all stay at Orange for the foreseeable future because if we don’t then Omicron will surge some more with winter approaching. Clearly, the Government believes ‘Orange for Win’ is their new old strategy.

A predicted fresh wave of Omicron infections is stopping New Zealand from moving into the most relaxed pandemic setting for at least another month, Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins says, as the hospitalisation rate from the virus increases.

The Government has decided to keep New Zealand in the orange setting of the Covid-19 Protection Framework, with the next review expected in late June, Hipkins said in a statement on Tuesday.

“While daily case numbers have flattened nationally, they are again beginning to increase in the Northern region and hospitalisation rates have also increased slightly over the past month,” he said.

“In addition, our latest Covid-19 modelling indicates that under current conditions, there is a likelihood of a secondary wave of cases appearing.”

Self-isolation, vaccination and mask wearing continue to be “our main defences against the virus”, he said.


Where to even begin with that stupidity?

OK, let’s give it a go. The dolts in the Government are going to keep us at orange despite the obvious fact that their strategies of self-isolation, mask-wearing and vaccination have not only failed to contain the spread of the tricky, tricky virus, but they have also seen a recent increase of cases despite those strategies that they are keeping in place, just in case they start working…if they just keep them in place for a bit longer…or the foreseeable future. Did I cover it all?

Let’s look at what has happened since they implemented those strategies.

Radio NZ

Orange has no discernible effect on cases, at all, for the months it has been in place. Neither have the mask mandates. If masks worked then how come the virus is still spreading?

The same goes for vaccines. If vaccines are successful then how come the boosted case count exceeds fully vaxxed and is the largest group, and, in fact, larger than the combined totals of fully vaxxed AND unvaccinated? That seems to be a whole lot of vaccines not working at all.

But remember, Jacinda Ardern said that you would not get sick or die if you were vaccinated:

This is what not getting sick looks like:

Remember too that they told us we needed to get vaccinated so the hospitals wouldn’t get overwhelmed by all those pesky unvaccinated that the virus was “literally hunting down”. And that this pandemic was a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Super Troopers Eye Roll GIF by Searchlight Pictures
Super Troopers Eye Roll GIF by Searchlight Pictures

It wasn’t the unvaccinated tipping up at the hospital, it was the vaccinated and, increasingly, the boosted.

But, at least you wouldn’t die, according to Jacinda Ardern:

The boosted have died more than the fully vaxxed AND the Not fully vaxxed combined! They should ask for their money back…oh wait, they can’t, they’re dead!

Remember the quaint old days when we locked down the whole country for a single case? Nothing worked, all they did was kick the can down the road, and here we are still with stupid and pointless mask mandates in place. Still with vast swathes of the community showing their compliance by wearing their disgusting masks. Still not working at containing the virus…meanwhile the deaths mount amongst the vaccinated, and they keep on tipping up at the hospital and no one is saying ‘Hang on just one cotton-picking minute’.

But here’s the kicker, it would be sad if it weren’t so hilarious: the unvaccinated have consistently had the lowest cases per 100,000 of population, from the get-go. They’ve lied to us all along.

You can’t argue with that last chart by screaming ‘base rate fallacy’ at me. Those are homogenised figures, comparing apples with apples, cases per 100,000 of population. Boosted are now three and a half times more likely to catch Covid than the unvaccinated. That is the complete opposite of what was claimed.

And just in case you are still stupidly clinging to the forlorn belief that your vaccine has saved you, check out the seven day rolling averages:

That’s right, 52% of the population are boosted, and 60% of new cases in the past 7 days are boosted people and they are 51% of new hospitalisations. It’s worse for you two jabs for summer idiots, there are just 24% of the population left with just two jabs, 25% of new cases are from them, and fully 35% of hospitalisations. Being jabbed means that 85% of new cases are those people and 86% of hospitalisations.

That’s so sick that you need hospital-level care. But you weren’t supposed to get sick, remember?

So, the Government is going to keep in place the very same policies that I have just demonstrated have failed, just in case, they might start to work, despite a jump in cases yesterday. Orange for the Win!

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, people are still lining up for their booster. It seems most of the population is blessed with an abundance of stupid. But no matter, they’ll soon be lining up for the 4th shot…and then the deaths and hospitalisations will really shoot up.

They’ve also just rolled out the new vaccine passes, so they clearly are planning to bring those in again.

Not enough people are crying, “enough!” There are still too many begging for more of the same. There seems to be no limit to people’s stupidity.

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