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Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.

Americans vying for the top jobs are already rich, but the lure of power and fame attracts the wrong candidates.

Recently Donald Trump popped the lid on his presidency saying the president gets lumbered with the hard decisions because the easy decisions have already been made. Joe Biden learnt this the hard way by not planning for an expeditious withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Poorly equipped Biden and his flaky sidekick, Kamala Harris, are in the wrong jobs. Both love the kudos but refuse to be held accountable. Harris won’t publicly discuss the Afghanistan fiasco. In Singapore this week she was billed to present a major speech on US foreign policy but neglected to mention Afghanistan, instead she gave her international audience shopping advice.

“The stories that we are now hearing about the caution that if you want to have Christmas toys for your children it might be the time to start buying them because the delay may be many, many months,” the Vice President of the United States advised.”

Real Clear Politics

Biden failed to arrange an orderly exit of the United States after its 20-year presence in Afghanistan.

“American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves,” President Joe Biden said August 16, the day after the Taliban reached Kabul.”

Business Insider

Biden’s hope of a pat on the back for fulfilling his long held stance against US involvement in Afghanistan is fast disappearing as his appalling lack of attention to detail gradually emerges and the crisis worsens.

Trump holds the same view, as his 2016 presidential campaign promised to end the forever war, but that proved very difficult to implement. Trump eventually bypassed the Afghan government, negotiating a deal directly with the Taliban. US troops would pull out by 1 May 2021, a staged withdrawal dependent on positive reports from on-the-ground surveillance confirming that the Afghan government were prepared.

One condition of Trump’s US withdrawal agreement is that the Afghanistan government and the Taliban would reach an agreement. Brit Hume, US Senior Political Analyst, told Tucker Carlson that never happened. Biden ignored Trump’s planning and simply upped sticks and abandoned Bagram airbase in the middle of the night.

“It’s a great thing that we’re getting out, but nobody has ever handled a withdrawal worse than Joe Biden,” Trump said in an televised interview with Fox News Host Sean Hannity on Tuesday. “This is the greatest embarrassment, I believe, in the history of our country.”

Fox News

Embarrassment yes, and now an international debacle. No one doubts the Taliban has the upper hand as in the final excruciating days the Taliban imposed a 31 August deadline which Biden cannot extend from his position of weakness.

Prematurely evacuating the remote Bagram airbase left Kabul as the only and more difficult option for mass evacuation by air.

The Biden-Harris administration has gifted the Taliban with sophisticated US military assets; for instance, the SeaEagle drones alone are worth US$174M of the billions of dollars of military assets left behind.

The Taliban’s alleged ties to Pakistan, Qatar, Iran, China and Russia, anti-Amercian countries, means they will benefit from the Taliban’s recently acquired weapons technology. The Taliban are already staring down the scopes of American rifles looking for stranded Americans and their allies.

Quantities and examples of key U.S.-funded Military Vehicles for Afghanistan. OPENTHEBOOKS.COM
U.S.-Funded Aircraft For the Afghan Forces OPENTHEBOOKS.COM
This month, the Taliban seized Black Hawk helicopters and A-29 Super Tucano attack aircraft. As late as last month, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defense posted photos on social media of seven newly arrived helicopters from the U.S., Reuters reported.

Black Hawk helicopters can cost up to $21 million. In 2013, the U.S. placed an order for 20 A-29 Super Tucano attack aircraft for $427 million – that’s $21.3 million for each plane. Other specialized helicopters can cost up to $37 million each.

The Afghan air force contracted for C-208 light attack airplanes in March 2018: seven planes for $84.6 million, or $12.1 million each. The airplanes are very sophisticated and carry HELLFIRE missiles, anti-tank missiles and other weaponry.

The PC-12 intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance airplanes use the latest in technology. Having these planes fall into Taliban control is disconcerting. Civilian models sell new for approximately $5 million each and the military planes could sell for many times that price.

Basic fixed-wing airplanes range in price from $3.1 million to $22 million in the DLA database.


While Americans cringe, China laughs.

The Taliban mocks Biden too.

A former interpreter for the U.S. military said he received calls mocking President Joe Biden and threatening him as the country crumbled at the hands of the Taliban.

Yahoo News

This week Biden’s wife was criticised for allowing her mentally challenged husband to stand for office.

“When you look at what’s hurting America, when you look at this lack of leadership, and you wonder, who are the people responsible for putting someone this incompetent and frankly this, you know, mentally frail in this position?” she said. “I’m sorry, as a political spouse, I can’t help but look at Jill Biden”.

Fox’s Rachel Campos-Duffy mocked Jill Biden’s title granted by her theological doctorate.

“No one knew better his state of mind than Dr. Jill Biden”.

The Blaze

America’s weak leadership has zero moral fibre, a shocking indictment on its Christian heritage.

To hide their financial and military technology indiscretions the Biden administration is hiding key audits of Afghan military equipment and has removed the records from federal websites.

Making digital records disappear is a whole lot easier than hiding the thousands of Americans and Afghan helpers stranded throughout Afghanistan.

No sane person would “choose to be there” to await their fate at the hands of the bloodthirsty “death to America” Taliban, but Biden’s Press Secretary valiantly gives it a shot.

Thanks to Biden, Afghanistan is ending badly. Orange man back anyone?

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