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OT Criticised for Failing to Report History


Daily Telegraph New Zealand

Oranga Tamariki news

Coroner Marcus Elliott criticized Oranga Tamariki for not providing full and accurate information, which was essential for the court’s decision-making. Despite the suppression orders surrounding the case, it was revealed that the man, who had a long history of violence and criminal behaviour, inflicted fatal injuries on the 17-month-old boy.

The coroner’s findings highlighted serious deficiencies in Oranga Tamariki’s handling of the case, including an inaccurate report that led to the man being granted bail to live with the boy and his mother. Additionally, the boy’s medical treatment prior to his death was found to be inadequate, with warning signs of non-accidental injury being overlooked by hospital staff.

The coroner’s report revealed that the boy’s mother trusted her partner and left her children in his care while she attended a hairdressing course.

On the day of the boy’s death, the mother returned home and did not check on the children to avoid waking them. The next morning, she found her son unresponsive.

The partner claimed the boy’s injuries were from a fall, but the evidence contradicted this, showing the injuries were inflicted intentionally.

The man was subsequently charged with the boy’s murder but died by suicide in prison before his trial.

The coroner criticised Oranga Tamariki’s deficient report, which failed to highlight the man’s violent history, leading to a wrong decision on his bail conditions. Oranga Tamariki has since implemented changes to improve their practices and information sharing.

This article was originally published by the Daily Telegraph New Zealand.
