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Our Absurd Softness on Crime

gray knuckles
Photo by Bill Oxford. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

The Somali born Moslem fanatic who recently murdered a highly respected British MP will doubtless receive a life imprisonment sentence.

Compare that to the recent case here of a low-life convicted for threatening to murder a National MP. He was “sentenced” to six months home detention.

I’m constantly staggered at the light penalties dished out in New Zealand for murders, serious assaults and other major crimes. It’s overdue for a more punitive approach and such measures, if advanced by a political party, would have a massive electorate appeal.

Consider how often we read of serious cases in which an offender has an incredibly lengthy conviction and past imprisonment record, only to receive a gentle tap on the wrist from the court.

Last week’s Queenstown incident is typical with a brute freely admitting he tried to drown a swimming pool attendant. Why? Because along with others he was swimming in the wrong lane booked for a school party and she was tapping them on the head as they reached the pool end and inviting them to shift across to other lanes. This rubbish claimed it offended his Maori mana being touched on the head, thus she must die. The result; ten months home detention.

Is it any wonder these garbage types who have effectively declared war on society, continue to offend. The Police must often wonder why they bother.

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