John Rofe
This week we had the astonishing spectacle of the Speaker, Trevor Mallard, finally coming clean about how much the mistaken use of the term “rape” has cost the NZ taxpayer, after a week or so of prevarication. He is now being taken apart by a cowardly pack of mainstream media hyenas who smell blood. Anyone’s will do.
Yet for 20 years we have witnessed something far more disgusting. Yet not one of those hyenas dares speak its name.
“Climate Fraud”
Now our intelligence is insulted by the declaration of a Climate Emergency by the Prime Minister.
All of our daily weather data tells us why the following statement by one of our best-qualified scientists and (also best qualified) expert on atmospheric chemistry is correct.
“The unique and powerful phase-change capability of water together with the radiation superiority of water vapour, make water vapour self-buffering, self-regulating, self-correcting, and self-compensating even when the atmospheric changes are minute.”
The water cycle is so powerful that it dominates the entire so-called “greenhouse gas” environment. It isn’t just because water vapour is 96% by volume and many times the efficacy of the trace gases. It is because the triple effects of evaporation, condensation and precipitation so obviously differentiate the climates of New Zealand’s towns and cities.
Yet NIWA dare not admit that, so they run away like a dog with its tail between its legs. I first witnessed that cowardice when I was trying to question the now retired Dr David Wratt of NIWA in 2004. Now his successor Andrew Tait does the same.
Carbon dioxide gas (aka CO2), which is merely a trace atmospheric gas with far less radiative efficacy than water vapour, is held out to us as a villain against which we must mount an extremely expensive campaign (that we can ill afford), just because a few scientists and UN politicians would like us to accept their deliberate lies. Hell, humanity only affects 4% of total global CO2 emissions. Methane and nitrous oxide are demonstrably irrelevant, so how did our government fool so many farmers?
Our generation’s crowning achievement has been in raising the atmospheric level of CO2 by releasing some sequestered carbon from fossil fuels and in doing that we have made a valuable contribution to our natural world. I thought Greenpeace should be happy about that. But eco warriors seemingly can’t think rationally, so they spend their time virtue-signalling the latest fad.
Any amount of UN IPCC-favoured scientific wizardry is useless when it does not conform to the readily available empirical evidence.
The raw data tells us the UN IPCC is lying about the human role in climate. Because they are lying, so are our civil servants and politicians – liars all.
Accidents happen. But if we are to establish whether the mistakes made at the behest of those who dominate the agenda of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“UN IPCC”) are either an extraordinary trail of mistakes or just a vexatious fraud, we need to take the following factors into consideration:
1.What due diligence occurred at either the UN level or the level of our Government and its agencies to verify the extravagant claim that human carbon emissions cause climate change, either directly or indirectly?
2.Have those promoting the mischievous agenda ever provided empirical scientific evidence to back up their theories? It is thirty plus years on and yet nothing to be seen. Why does the data not support the theory?
3.When notified of evidence of their mistakes, what actions were taken to correct them?
4.Are there clear pecuniary, reputational or political motivations for taking actions to profit from mistakes and for ignoring or rebutting the advice of independent experts?
5.Have those folk promoting Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory provided exaggerated, or deceptive and misleading advice to the NZ public regarding their theory and the evidence they hold to support it?
6.Has there been any “misdirection”, or unreasonable explanations for the mistakes that are being used in order to prolong a mistaken belief or deliberately false narrative?
7.Have there been efforts to silence the valid criticism of learned sceptics in universities, professional publications and in the mainstream news media?
8.Have sanctions been imposed on critics using strategies such as career termination, job dismissal, failure to promote, failure to provide peer review or provide access to publication… and the marginalisation of critics?
9.Have the freedom of speech rights of critics been withdrawn or abridged?
John Rofe
The sophistry presented as our civil servants and politicians squirm shows it to be fraud. After all, why are they defending so many lies otherwise? Yet after 20 years of lies, weasel words, and sophistry, the UN IPCC ‘wizards’ cannot show any empirical scientific evidence that human carbon emissions significantly affect the climate.
What satellite observations continue to show is that month after month the UN IPCC hype does not match the data. Each of the last two months (October and November 2020), the temperature of the lower troposphere (where we live) has fallen. Yet the publicists for the fraudsters tell us the warming is increasing and unprecedented. The public believes this because they are only fed anomalous examples of warming, yet record cooling is suppressed.
It can easily and every day be shown that latitude, altitude and atmospheric water vapour are major factors in determining the climate from time to time and from place to place. But none of those three trace gases we humans influence has any discernible effect on either weather or climate, nor is one possible.
I have people trying to persuade me to withdraw my formal written complaints against the Prime Minister, Minister of Climate Change and NIWA because of the suggestion that their complicity cannot be proven as fraud because so many scientists agree with the fraud. Those folk may call themselves “scientists” but they provide the antithesis of science in their collective prevarications.
This fraud is worse than the worst excesses which occur in the private sector.
When Professional directors Sir Douglas Graham and Dame Jenny Shipley ran into trouble at Lombard/Mainzeal, the only complaint was that they and other directors traded after the point when their companies became technically insolvent. No evidence of motive to defraud was required. A director of a public company has a legal liability to ensure their conduct complies with the Companies Act. Those two eminent directors had far more mitigating evidence in their favour and yet they were dragged into a court room and their reputations cynically trashed by the mainstream media..
I can only make complaints. It is the responsibility of the proper designated authorities to investigate the conduct of those driving the fraud whether it is in any sector – public or private. Yet today, and for more than one year, our protectors don’t want to act. Why is that?
The Prime Minister on the other hand — and her Minister of Climate Change — after acknowledgement from her office (on 71 occasions over three years) of having received my warnings that the Government was first in danger of committing fraud, and later having been given clear reasons why it was doing so, failed to perform the most rudimentary of due diligence.
I never had one question from her office as to why I was making potentially “career-ending” allegations against her, yet her supporters claim she is entitled to the benefit of the doubt, while my complaints to the NZ Serious Fraud Office, the Secretary for Justice and the NZ Police are sidelined as if they are spurious and cannot be proven.
It is the UN IPCC’s falsehoods that cannot be proven because they are at variance from all of the scientific data. They have the fiduciary duty of care to provide proof and yet there is none.
There can be no doubt the entire political fraternity, law enforcement and scientific establishment is relying for their active role in either promoting or sanctioning this fraud on foreign persons with multiple agendas who are so powerful, that no one in positions of trust in New Zealand dares question them.
From 2004 onwards, everyone in the public service or in political positions of accountability has either lied to me and run away, or just ignored me.
Minister Shaw said that the science was settled and that evidence of causation was to be found in UN IPCC 2014 report AR5. Nope, that too is just another lie.
NIWA also told us that the evidence is to be found there in AR5. Same with The Ministry for the Environment. The same from the climate professor at Victoria University of Wellington, the same for the PM’s Chief Science Advisor. All then fall silent when confronted with their lie. Skulking away like Speaker Mallard from media accusations – but they didn’t need bother, because the media are on their side. All perhaps thinking that hopefully, if they don’t acknowledge their lie, they haven’t actually lied.
No one dares explain why the dire predictions of apocalypse, that time after time since 1989 were said to be an unavoidable consequence of the (oh so definite) climate modelling — never happened. In fact, they have never happened each and every year from the year 1999 onwards. Fool us once, shame on the NZ Prime Minister; fool us time after time, who are the fools then besides our impotent legal system and cuckolded media hacks?
Are the mainstream media that venal that they acquiesce to the biggest fraud in history just because of the size of the political and commercial power behind the fraud?
Is our regulatory and judicial system intended to bring criminals to account, or to turn a blind eye whenever it suits the politicians who influence their promotion and salary reviews?
The only rational reason that the warming (within natural variability) has occurred, is because of the unusually strong solar cycles of the 20th century.
The only reason that the atmospheric level of carbon is rising is because humans and the seas are releasing more. From the empirical scientific evidence relied upon by many and used by the Russian Federation for their planning, this atmospheric carbon is not a major factor in climate change which is more dominated by the solar cycles and numerous associated space weather influences – these not just beyond human control but influencing not just Earth’s atmosphere, but that of every planet within the solar system.
Anthropogenic Global Warming theory has been superseded by fresh scientific data during the space age and yet it is still being defended. So who benefits from all the charades?
Whenever I recount these facts, people say to me, “Surely our Government would have examined the evidence before taking such drastic action against the oil and gas industry and farming communities?” Nope. They just lied and used misdirection and sophistry to mask their deliberate fraud. Why? Because of global ambition and green-washing.
Of course I will be happy to be proven wrong. But I know thoughtless people will just ignore these pragmatic observations instead. That cop out is just a lack of moral fibre in the face of a stampeding herd of crazy politicians and complicit media firing off all the threats of Armageddon as they undermine our national sovereignty.
Frankly, it pisses me off.
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