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Sir Bob Jones

A week back a sign reading, “All Lives Matter” appeared on a Masterton Catholic church noticeboard.

A timely message I thought, presuming it referred to abortion, but regardless, surely epitomising the salient Christian message.

Alas, not so. Rather the Church’s ballgown-clad Archbishop and a Cardinal to boot, a John Dew, condemned the sign, and by some convoluted logic which certainly epitomises his outfit’s practices, described it as a “political provocation”.

“A Church should be a safe place where everyone feels welcome,” he said, albeit “all” apparently doesn’t mean “everyone” in his eyes. He described the sign as “politicised that some could find unwelcoming and offensive”.

This is Orwellian double-speak insanity. All lives matter a “political statement and offensive”. It’s madness.

Needless to say the Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon piped up with typical nonsense his agency is renown for.

“It would be provocative to post “All Lives Matter” on a public noticeboard,” he asserted. “The statement is politically loaded and has been used to justify ignoring racial disparities, such as the over representation of African American communities to police shootings,” he added.

Really! “All lives” surely means all lives, including blacks, but according to Meng, seemingly the only lives which matter are America’s blacks.

A few years ago I had one of Wellington’s most prominent waterfront buildings, Harbour Tower, which I own, re-painted. It was black and I changed it to white at a cost of $200,000.

I did that to enhance its prominence and thus today from the air, when arriving or leaving the airport, it’s now the most conspicuous waterfront building. White magnifies size, black diminishes it which is why fat girls, rather than eating less and exercising more, bowl about in black.

Doubtless Meng would find that building’s colour change racially offensive, politically loaded and an attack on American blacks. I’ll make his day and say now that’s exactly what I had in mind.
