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man praying
Photo by Jack Sharp. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Kenya’s President William Ruto has called for a National Day of Prayer to end the drought.

“We have seeds, fertiliser and water harvesting strategies. We now need God to send us rain”, Ruto said.

Given these skybayers believe God is perfect in every sense and calls all the shots on earthly events, this leaves me puzzled. If I was God I’d be outraged at the impertinence of these buggers telling me I’d got it wrong in delivering a drought. I imagine the allegedly infallible God chap will inflict further divine wrath in punishment, and quite right too.

In line with his earthly spokesman’s advise about the poor automatically cracking it with entry to eternal paradise while the odds for the rich equate the chances of a camel going through the eye of a needle, one would assume the prospect of starving to death should appeal.

A slight flaw in this proposition though is the safe assumption that no camel in history has ever entertained a wish to go through the eye of a needle.

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