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Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa Associated with Designated Terrorist Organisation

John Minto is the Chair of Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa; they are an anti-Semitic hate group who shroud themselves in faux-respectability by professing to support Palestinian freedom.

Last year they held a rally supporting Samidoun:

For those who don’t realise, Samidoun is a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Its full official name is The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Organization. It was founded by members of the front in 2012.

The PFLP is already designated as a terrorist organisation, but until recently Samidoun hadn’t yet been designated as such despite being a member of the PFLP.

That has now changed. Samidoun has now been designated a terrorist organisation:

As part of the campaign against the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and its global organizational infrastructure, Defense Minister Benny Gantz has signed an order designating the Samidoun organization, which acts abroad on the group’s behalf, as a terrorist organization.

The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity organization, also known as Samidoun (Arabic for holding ground), was designated as a terrorist organization because it is part of the PFLP. It was founded by members of the front in 2012.

The designation was made following the recommendation of the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing, the Defense Ministry said in a press release.

Representatives of the organization are active in many countries in Europe and North America, led by Khaled Barakat, who is part of the leadership of the PFLP abroad, it said. Barakat is involved with establishing terrorist cells in the West Bank and abroad, the Defense Ministry said.

The formal goal of Samidoun is to help Palestinian prisoners secure their release from prison, it said, adding that in practice, it serves as a front for the PFLP abroad.

Samidoun also plays a leading and significant role in the PFLP’s anti-Israel propaganda efforts, fundraising and recruiting of activists, the Defense Ministry said.  These activities complement PFLP terrorist attacks against Israel, it said.

Jerusalem Post
John Minto‘s group are now endorsing events in support of designated terrorists.

Anti-Semitic Labour MP Duncan Webb is also someone who likes and promotes posts from the Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa and also another anti-Semitic group on Facebook called Aotearoa Standing With Palestine.

He still records a like on his Facebook profile of Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa despite the growing evidence of their overt anti-Semitism and now their promotion of a designated terrorist organisation.

Labour in the UK conducted an inquiry to root out anti-Semitism. Perhaps Labour in New Zealand should look at MPs with inappropriate connections and associations with organisations with connections to terror organisations. It is certainly problematic when an MP is liking organisations that promote designated terrorist organisations.

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