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Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened: No Costume Is SAFE!

Today’s outrage culture is bloody disgusting. Thanks to the twisted minds of people seeing evil in every little thing, little girls will no longer be able to enjoy dress ups ever again.

Little girls (and grown women for that matter) enjoy dress-ups. I love costume parties, and the more over the top the dress the more I like it. Being feminine and wearing pretty girly clothes is something that every little girl and woman should be free to do. It is harmless fantasy fun, but a twisted Melbourne mother has opened Pandora’s box, and now no costume is safe.

Imagine if you will a dress-up box full of costumes for little girls. There is a pink ballerina costume, a yellow princess costume, a white bride costume and a sparkly fairy costume. Are you outraged yet? Can you just feel the evil emanating from those terrible costumes?

What if I was to tell you that the costumes are kindergarten size, (you know for really little girls). Are you feeling horrified yet? According to a twisted Melbourne Mum who wants to take all the fun out of little girls’ childhoods, one of these costumes is “beyond inappropriate”.

Can you guess which costume offended her? Believe it or not, it was this cute little Bride costume from K-Mart.

K-Mart has foolishly reacted to the mad woman’s ridiculous virtue signal by removing the costume from the shelves. They have now opened Pandora’s box as they still have available for sale the following costumes:

Zombie Bride Costume K-Mart

A Zombie child bride isn’t offensive…yet.

Devil Dress Costume – K-Mart

A little devil girl costume isn’t offensive…yet.

Bat Witch K-Mart

A little Bat Witch girl isn’t offensive…yet

Skeleton Onesie – K-Mart

A little child dressed up as death isn’t offensive…yet.

Ghost Bride Costume K-Mart

A child ghost bride isn’t offensive…yet.

Can’t anyone in management at K-Mart see the problem? By caving in to this nutbar and removing a perfectly harmless little girl’s costume they have set a precedent. Now all anyone has to do is to start a petition saying that a Witch or a Zombie or a Devil or a Ghost dress is “beyond inappropriate” and they will then have to take it off the shelves.

Evil and outrage is very much in the eye of the beholder.

Kmart pulls ‘offensive’ children’s bride costume after complaints it encourages child marriage

