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Parliament: Whorehouse or Bath House?

Drinks are on at the Parliament bar. The BFD.

When I reported on the ongoing revelations of the sordid behaviour of staffers at Parliament House – rooting in MPs’ offices, performing “solo sex acts” on desks – I noted a peculiar insinuation. While the whole, sleazy affair is being blamed on “toxic masculinity” and, surprise, surprise, being used as leverage to demand yet more quotas, there seemed to be something missing from one of the accusations.

It was claimed that “Government staffers and even MPs would also often use a small room on the upper level of Parliament House – known as the prayer or meditation room – as a place to have ‘a lot’ of sex”. As I pointed out, unless parliament is some sort of taxpayer-funded, year-round after-party for the Gay Mardi Gras, “a lot of sex” necessarily involves a lot of women. So it’s not just a “man problem”, it seems.

I may have been wrong. Peta Credlin, former chief-of-staff to Tony Abbott, has joined the fray – with a rather eyebrow-raising accusation of her own.

Ms Credlin worked at Parliament House over a period of 16 years, during which she alleged she knew of staffer orgies occurring in offices while MPs were in Question Time […]

“When the MP cleaned out the former staffer’s desk, and the computer, that MP uncovered evidence that for many months, that staffer had regularly met with other men during the middle of the day — while the MP was in Question Time — for orgies in political offices,” she said.

“Labor staffers, not just this Coalition man, and a number of others too.”

So it seems that there’s a whole lotta cross-bench bummin’ goin’ on, at the taxpayer’s expense. Is this what the rainbow mob mean, when they witter about “bringing your whole self to work”? Maybe they should add, “and don’t forget the lube”.

The other possibility is that, as has also been accused, the staffers are hiring hookers by the truckload. In which case, surely someone must have noticed the steady convoy of slappers wobbling in and out of Parliament House? Perhaps some enterprising Canberran is running an “Uber Roots” from Fyshwick to Capital Hill?

Even so, as others have alleged, the prostitutes were not necessarily female.

In any case, it seems that whatever hiring policy both sides of politics are using isn’t working so well. Apparently “must share an interest in perverse sexual practices” is high on the selection criteria.

It also looks like “all-round shithead” is up there, too.

Ms Credlin she had also previously recommended the sacking of the staffer responsible for performing a solo sex act on the desk of a female MP. The man’s employment was terminated when the story was revealed in The Australian on Monday.

“The man sacked by the Morrison government this week for his disgusting acts on his MP’s desk and its distribution on a little chat group … that bloke I demanded to be sacked years earlier for disloyalty, for lying, for leaking against his boss,” she said.

As I also wrote, the reek of hypocrisy is perhaps even more nauseating than the accusations being flung about by the finger-pointers. The odious ghost, Malcolm Turnbull, has been busily using the scandal to stick the knife into the party that so badly wounded his ego. Credlin has words for him, too – and for other self-righteous white knights using the sex scandal to hammer the government.

“The bloke that was sacked this week was someone I sacked many years earlier, he never forgave me for it … but you never heard my side of it did you?”

Ms Credlin said that after Malcolm Turnbull “rolled Abbott” and she was gone, “he was back”.

“He is not the only one. The other three that Peter van Onselen broke in his story earlier this week, I know who you are. I see you,” Ms Credlin said.

“The former minister who it is alleged had his male prostitutes delivered to Parliament House by this spiteful gang — signed in and all kept quiet, former minister I see you too.”

The Australian

It seems that Australia’s Parliament is less whorehouse than bathhouse – and some of the loudest finger-waggers might be throwing stones in a glass house.

Drinks are on at the Parliament bar. The BFD.

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