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Pigs Might Fly. Cartoon credit: SonovaMin. The BFD.

Does Luxon have no idea what he is doing?

National should be sweating, because Chris Hipkins is stealing their lines. […]

The problem for National is that a whole bunch of traditionally National leaning voters will not hate what they hear today. That [Hipkins] wants us to become the best little trading nation, that he’s modelling us on Singapore and that everything his Government does now needs “to be focused on growing our economy”. […]

Now anything that Chris Hipkins says needs to be taken with a grain of salt, because he is very good at saying the right things, not so good at following through with action. […]

But voters have short memories. And it is such a departure from the ideological social stuff Jacinda’s Government got distracted by, like mergers and reforms and Three Waters and hate speech, that it will feel to many like a change of Government already.

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