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Pauline Hanson Blasts Protest Hypocrisy

This is how it works now, yes? The BFD.

Pauline Hanson is keeping up her inconvenient habit of saying the sort of things that ordinary Australians think without the approval of their masters in the political-media elite.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson says she finds it “frustrating (and) hypocritical of the government” that businesses were shut down due to COVID-19 social distancing measures but thousands of people can protest and “absolutely nothing” happens.

“You shut down for COVID-19, you can’t go to pubs, clubs (and) restaurants and yet you can have a gathering of that many people who are not fined, not pulled up by the police, absolutely nothing”.

It comes as thousands of Australians attended Black Lives Matter protests across capital cities and towns in Australia over the weekend while strict coronavirus measures remain in place.

Hanson is also well aware of what is going on here: political cronyism, and the governmental dog being wagged by the activist tail.

“I’m frustrated, I’m angry about the whole matter,” Ms Hanson told Sky News host Peter Gleeson.

“People actually need to wake up because we are destroying the fabric of our society and we’re allowing these leftists, these organisations to determine our future”.

Hanson also let loose on the One Nation Facebook page, blasting the hypocrisy of Queensland’s Labor government.

Palaszczuk should refund every coronavirus fine in Queensland after letting anti-police protesters in Brisbane break the law without punishment!”

“There is no excuse for allowing these people to break the law while you and your families are being forced to watch your businesses close and your jobs die.”

Businesses which have been hammered by government-imposed restrictions have also taken note of the new paradigm.

The high-flying chief executive of Navarra Venues, Sal Navarra, has pledged to ignore the NSW Government’s strict social distancing rules and reopen the company’s string of wedding venues to “any numbers” next month.

He said the company would openly flout the 20-person wedding limit at the group’s five venues across Sydney from July 1[…]

“We don’t want to deal with upset brides anymore, upset clients anymore because it’s not fair on them,” Mr Navarra said in the video.

“The government over the weekend clearly showed that they allowed to have 15,000 to 20,000 people gather.

Perhaps they should take a leaf from the cartoonist who suggested a new range of COVID-19 “protest”-themed invitations.

After all, the government will clearly let you do whatever you want, if you’re protesting any old spurious leftist cause.

This is how it works now, yes? The BFD.

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