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People Power Gains Traction Over the Ditch

This is a victory of people power against dominant forces and should buoy us all during whatever turbulent times lie ahead.

Photo by Miguel Bruna / Unsplash


The power of people who stand in truth and freedom is beginning to rise.

The town of Port Hedland on the north-west coast of Western Australia is situated 1800km north of the state capital, Perth and 3,400km north-west of the nation capital, Canberra. Port Hedland Town Council consists of one mayor and eight councillors representing a community of 16,000 people. Shipping and mining industries in the region create a significant portion of Australia’s wealth and make Western Australia the wealthiest state in the nation. The federal government in Canberra benefits substantially from this wealth.

Three Port Hedland Town Councillors – Adrian McRae, Lorraine Butson and Camilo Blanco – called a Special Council Meeting, held on Friday 11 October 2024, to raise concerns relating to research which has uncovered serious issues related to the Covid-19 vaccines. See here for the agenda, motion and relevant attachments.

The meeting arose from a detailed scientific report dated 9 September 2024 by Dr David Speicher at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. This report is based on scientific tests conducted on Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vials received in his laboratory from Australia in May 2024. His findings replicate results from product vials tested in Germany, Canada and the USA.

DNA contamination, including the apparently deliberate insertion of biologically active SV40 promoter, have been detected in unsafe levels in vials across the globe, tested by separately independent teams of scientists. We have written about the risks associated with this contamination, for example here. Dr Speicher’s work confirms that product administered to the Australian population is also contaminated.

According to Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the safe upper limit of DNA contamination is 10ng (nanograms) per dose. The vials tested by Dr Speicher were contaminated with between 78ng to 1,460ng per dose. A dose containing 500ng of synthetic DNA equates to between 2.4 to 24 trillion DNA molecules and between 60 to 575 billion SV40 molecules.

This is extremely concerning, detailed by a November 2023 expert hearing at the World Council for Health. NZDSOS have written about the risks associated with DNA contamination many times. See here and here, for example. Australian barrister Julian Gillespie speaks from the heart in his most recent article on the issue: “Trillions of cancer-causing fragments in every shot.”

The motion brought to the meeting by councillors McRae, Butson and Blanco states:

This motion seeks to urgently address the serious health concerns related to synthetic DNA contamination in the Australian Covid-19 vaccines, and to ensure informed decision making for residents and health practitioners in Port Hedland and beyond.

As well as the meeting agenda, councillors were provided with the following:

  • the substantive motion including recommended actions;
  • a detailed scientific report by Dr David Speicher at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada;
  • two letters from Russell Broadbent MP to the Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, dated 20 and 25 September 2024, calling for the immediate suspension of the Pfizer and Moderna products based on Dr Speicher’s findings;
  • a science summary of Dr Speicher’s findings, created and endorsed by eminent Australian and international scientists and medical experts, the first of whom is Professor Angus Dalgleish who recently featured at the NZDSOS conference.

Recommended actions in the motion include letters from Port Hedland Town Council to the following:

  • PM Anthony Albanese endorsing MP Broadbent’s letters of 20 and 25 September, calling for an immediate suspension of the products;
  • a copy of the letter circulated immediately to all health care professionals and medical facilities operating in the Port Hedland region, alerting them to the issue and ensuring that legally valid informed consent is obtained from anyone contemplating receiving these vaccines;
  • a copy of the letter circulated immediately to all other local governments and shires, urging them to share the information with health practitioners and clinics in their areas to facilitate informed consent for their residents;
  • direct contact between the CEO of Town of Port Hedland and their delegates with the Department of Health, Western Australia; the Minister for Health, Western Australia; and specific members of the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, including but not limited to the minister.

The event was livestreamed and a recording will be uploaded to the council’s own video library here in coming days. A version is already available here. It is unclear how many people were in attendance but one attendee has claimed the gallery was full.

Thirteen local community members made public statements to the council before questions and declarations from the councillors. The theme of these public statements was injury and grief, and an urgency for Dr Speicher’s evidence to become known to the general public, health professionals and services, and relevant authorities.

During the meeting Mayor Carter cleared the public gallery for a confidential session. Councillors watched a video of oncologist Professor Angus Dalgleish from St Georges University London explaining why DNA contamination is of such dire concern. This is the video that Mayor Carter did not wish the public gallery to see.

Two of the seven present town councillors at the meeting rejected the motion – the mayor, Peter Carter and Councillor Ambika Rebello, who suggested in her contribution to the meeting that because they do not have medical expertise, health matters are not council business. This seemed to be untrue in 2021 and a reasonable argument can be made that in representing local community, town councils rightly take on issues of health and human rights when they are not being addressed by the authorities employed in this role.

Port Hedland Town Council Vaccination Clinic
Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

Amidst jeers from the gallery, Councillor Rebello also suggested that Councillor McRae, a successful local businessman, has personal motives for raising the motion, relating to political ambition. In response Councillor McRae highlighted the strategy of ad hominem being used as the last refuge of a failed argument. This is a successful strategy employed by ‘fact check’ organisations, legacy media and bureaucrats in Canberra, on behalf of “their sponsors and lobbyists and billionaire buddies in Big Pharma”.

He also talks about Big Pharma sponsorship of the TGA, who receive 96 per cent of their funding from the industry they exist to regulate. Their New Zealand counterpart Medsafe receive 84 per cent of funding from industry. In large part, this explains why our health is now a commodity being sold to powerful beneficiaries of the harm caused by dangerous products.

The motion was carried, 5–2 in Port Hedland on Friday night. Complicit authorities, services and professionals across Australia will all be placed on notice that they are acting against human health and safety should they continue to promote these dangerous products. This is a victory of people power against dominant forces and should buoy us all during whatever turbulent times lie ahead.

Call to Action

This is the beginning of the end for the corporatism that has captured our governments. Our call to action for Kiwis concerned about their health and freedom includes:

  1. The contract signed between Pfizer and the New Zealand government must be made available for public scrutiny.  Please sign the petition to Release the Pfizer/BioNTech contract for the supply of the Covid-19 vaccines.
  2. Please share this article as widely as possible.
  3. Please share this article with your own town council and other local representatives and ask them to demand answers from the New Zealand government. 

Watch: Port Hedland Town Councillors Vote

Some of the statements made by the town councillors to the Special Council Meeting leading up to their vote can be watched in this short recording from the approximately 2 hours 40 minutes event.

This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.
