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Illustration: Eric Lobbecke.

You can always tell when someone is telling the truth about China just by observing how furiously China attacks them. Or, if they’re a Chinese citizen, by how quickly they disappear or how excoriating and grovelling their subsequent “self-criticism” and apologies are.

Peter Dutton is not a Chinese citizen and is hardly likely to apologise or self-criticise at the best of times. But China’s furious attacks on him show just how accurately he has pinpointed their sore points.

Josh Frydenberg has labelled the Chinese Embassy’s criticism of Peter Dutton “unwanted and unjustified” after the Home Affairs Minister called for greater transparency about the origins of COVID-19.

The Embassy’s condemnation came after Prime Minister Scott Morrison pushed for an independent global review into the origins of the disease.

The last thing China wants or will allow is such a review. What we must never forget is that China is a communist regime and they will behave as communists always do: lie, cover-up, and punish truth-tellers.

This attack comes after Foreign Minister Marise Payne all but openly called China a liar and signalled that Australia’s relationship with China will change.

Frydenberg is much more circumspect, but makes it clear: the Morrison government does not trust China.

“We obviously have some differences from time to time on the political and strategic levels. But, like with many countries, we make those points clear. But ultimately Peter Dutton’s role, the Prime Minister’s role, my role, and all our colleagues’ roles, is to defend the Australian national interest, and that’s what we’ll continue to do, and we’ll speak up about it as required.”

Asked if he trusted China, Mr Frydenberg said: “I happily engage with China constructively …it’s not a question of trusting them.”

But, keeping in mind the adage above, China’s attacks on Dutton are a pretty good indicator that he’s onto something.

On Tuesday, a spokesman at China’s embassy in Canberra accused Mr Dutton of parroting the lines of the US on Wednesday.

“Obviously he must have also received some instructions from Washington requiring him to co-operate with the US in its propaganda war against China,” the spokesman said.

“It is well known that recently some people in the US, including high-level officials, have been spreading anti-China ‘information virus’.

“Their aim is to shift blame and deflect attention by smearing China.”

China pointing fingers at anyone over a “propaganda war” is frankly laughable. This is, after all, a regime which has a literal army of millions spouting and enforcing its propaganda and silencing dissent.

Anyone who thinks, at this point, that China didn’t and isn’t still lying, is even more willfully blind than the Western idiots who toured the country in the late 50s and swore that there was no famine – even as the worst famine in human history was being deliberately perpetrated.

Victor Hugo once wrote that if you have enemies, “it is the story of every man who has done a great deed or created a new idea”. If China is your enemy, then you should wear it as a badge of pride.

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