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“Transgender” behemoths are grinding the girls into the mud. Kelly Morgan (left), and Hannah Munsey (far right).

Piers Morgan is livid that the sports world continues to allow men who claim to be women to compete in women’s sport. He’s absolutely right.

British broadcaster Piers Morgan blasted transgender college swimmer Lia Thomas after she dominated earlier this week in collegiate meets, smashing records previously held by biological women.

Thomas, a 22-year-old enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania, previously competed for three years in men’s swimming under the name Will Thomas.

She was required to undergo one year of testosterone suppression treatment in order to qualify for the women’s events.

In a lengthy essay published in the Daily Mail, Morgan said that if Olympic gold medalist swimmer Michael Phelps decided to compete as a transgender woman, “all hell would break loose.”

[…]”Now imagine what would have happened if Phelps had transitioned into a female when at the peak of his powers?” Morgan added. “He, now she, wouldn’t have just dominated women’s swimming – he, now she, would have smashed all the women’s records by such vast margins that no woman born with a female biological body would have ever come close to beating any of them ever again.”

This, according to Morgan, is happening on a much smaller stage.

[…]Morgan added that Thomas has an obvious — and grossly unfair — advantage over her female rivals who are now no longer able to swim at the same competitive level in their sport.
“Transgender” behemoths are grinding the girls into the mud. Kelly Morgan (left), and Hannah Munsey (far right).

And of course, it’s not just testosterone. Men’s bodies are built to be faster and stronger.

[…]”It’s happening in myriad sports now including sprinting, cycling and weight-lifting — and I don’t care how loudly the woke brigade squeals, it’s just plain unfair and is crushing the hopes, dreams, and hard work of so many female athletes,” Morgan added.

Thomas, Morgan pointed out, will continue to demolish women’s swimming records not because she’s a brilliant and talented swimmer, but because she’s a man competing against women.

“Lia Thomas is on her way to irrevocably disintegrating women’s swimming records,” he wrote. “Not because she’s a natural-born brilliant swimmer, because when she competed as a man, she was mediocre at best. No, she will do it because she’s got a hugely advantageous physique over her female rivals.”

[…]The broadcaster concluded with a warning: “Stop this insanity now, before it’s too late.”

Unfortunately, the sports world seems to be full of woketard officials who think that by imposing testosterone limits on men who think they’re women they can then fairly compete against women.

We must boycott sports events where biological men compete against women. We must refuse to attend them. Refuse to watch even a minute of them on television even if they include events involving real men against real men. Hit them in the pocket and continue to hit them in the pocket.

Nothing other than the very credibility of women’s sport is at stake.
