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Thanks for making Luke Skywalker an asshole… asshole. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Should actors and singers be forcibly gagged, off-stage and off-set, and have all their devices confiscated? Because these over-paid, under-educated, group-thinking ninnies are doing their own employers a disfavour every time they open their gobs and say anything that wasn’t scripted for them.

Let’s face it: as Anthony Hopkins admitted, “Actors are pretty stupid”. Not only that, they’re deeply insecure: they know perfectly well that there’s a million other people just as talented, good-looking and hard-working as them out there, and it’s mostly pure luck that they got That Big Break — and they’re only a couple of flops away from the scrapheap.

That combination of stupidity and insecurity ultimately means that celebrities are absolutely terrified of saying anything that they think their peers might disagree with. Because they know that they are just one politically-incorrect tweet away from being cancelled.

Which means that no-one should pay the least attention to their inane bleating.

Yet, they keep on doing it. Which, ultimately, destroys their own reason for existing.

Celebrities only exist to entertain. Which they can only do so long as we actually like them. Very few of us are going to part with their hard-earned when we know that the person on-screen is a complete, vacuous asshole.

Like Mark Hamill.

Hamill – a known leftist actor who regularly spouts Democratic talking points – attempted to make a joke about desperate parents wanting to adopt children.

Hamill denigrated parents who want to adopt children by posting an image of comic book villains Joker and Harley Quinn. Hamill captioned the image with the words: “We will adopt your baby.”

Ironically, the Joker and Harley Quinn were able to have a baby in the D.C. Universe. Despite being supervillains, they didn’t abort the child, and Quinn gave birth to Lucy Quinzel.

As a 70s kid, I grew up with the Star Wars movies, so, seeing Luke Skywalker turn into a pathetic, conformist asshole is deeply disappointing.

Which raises the awkward point that Hamill is only famous for playing someone who was adopted.

Skywalker was adopted by Tatooine moisture farmer Owen Lars – the stepbrother of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who later became Darth Vader. Also, Skywalker’s sister Leia Organa was adopted by the House of Organa on the Alderaan planet, according to Wookiepedia.

The Libertarian Party Mises Caucus shared a screenshot from “Star Wars” showing the adoptive parents.

School safety advocate J.T. Lewis: “Luke Skywalker and his sister were adopted. For the sake of the galaxy, thank goodness Padme was pro-life!”

Hamill, in real life, is even more evil than Darth Vader. At least Vader didn’t try to force his partner to scrape Luke and Leia out at the Coruscant branch of Planned Parenthood.

Other pro-life Twitter reactions made references to a 2016 report that the “Star Wars” actor allegedly tried to force an abortion on his son’s ex-girlfriend – a purported former porn actress.

Maegan Chen told the New York Post, “Mark Hamill told me that I shouldn’t bring a child into the world that nobody wants.”

The voice actor also allegedly told Chen that his then-37-year-old son was “not ready to be a father.”

“Nobody ever asked me what I wanted,” Chen told the outlet. “I felt really pressured from them to get rid of the baby.”

The Blaze

See? I could have happily not known that the actor behind a childhood hero was really a steaming human turd.

Word to the not-so-wise: celebrities, just shut your goddamn traps.
