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Plucka’s Shiny New Camp Closed Already

Sorry, folks – the gulag’s closed. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

What if they built a gulag and nobody came? In news that should surprise absolutely no-one who’s ever watched a government at “work”, Queensland’s $220 million dollar Covid quarantine camp is set to close for lack of “guests”.

That’s despite the government’s lease running for at least another six months.

The state’s Deputy Premier Steven Miles said Wellcamp will cease accepting guests from Monday.

It was revealed on Wednesday that the facility cost taxpayers over $220 million after the government previously declined to disclose the cost of the quarantine facility.

Still, at least someone made a motza out of the camp.

Wellcamp owner and landlord John Wagner declined to comment on whether the facility was a waste of money.

Well, it certainly wasn’t a waste for his bank account, I’d guess. Queensland taxpayers might have a slightly different view, though.

So, what are they going to do with an empty gulag, miles from anywhere?

Mr Wagner said while a decision is yet to be made on what the facility could be used for, it could be repurposed within several months without spending “a great deal of money”.

“There’s homelessness, there’s mental health, there’s a whole range of things it could be used for,” he said.

The Australian

Sure, there’s a solution to Brisbane’s homelessness problem: dump ‘em all on the outskirts of a town of a few hundred people in the arse-end of Queensland. What could possibly go wrong?

Still, what else should we expect from the sort of Australian state governments who spent billions on desalination plants that were rendered useless by plentiful rains filling dams again, almost as soon as they were built.

Oh, but they were following The Science™, of course! After all, our sagacious “climate commissioner” wailed that we’d never get rains to fill our dams again. Right before the rains not only filled the dams, but overflowed them.

So, when The Science™ warned that we were going to get a hundred, million, billion, brazillion, Covid cases, why wouldn’t governments listen, and spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars in a blind panic?

These people couldn’t organise a root in a brothel.
