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Police Minister Invisible on Gangs

Police Minister Poto Williams. Image credit The BFD.

Chris Baillie
ACT Police spokesperson and former Police officer

The current approach to gangs isn’t working and Police Minister Poto Williams needs to take action.

The headlines this morning are simply unacceptable. Our Sunday morning papers shouldn’t be reading “Shocking gang axe attack: Man killed in front of families in town’s main centre” followed by “Guns and drugs found after gang member allegedly ‘hid in back of truck’ to flee Auckland lockdown.”

This followed by gangs breaking lockdown rules to attend funerals with no consequences and ACT revealing a COVID positive man with gang connections was able to isolate at home and break the rules shows the Government is allowing gangs to set the rules instead of abiding by them.

Poto Williams has been invisible on gangs.

Things need to be reassessed, priorities sorted and based on facts and public safety, not cultural sensitivities or advice from people such as the Children’s Commissioner.

ACT released a law and order policy in July, that included Gang Injunction Orders.

Gang Injunction Orders are used in the UK and parts of the US. A review by the UK Home Office found “Gang injunctions were generally seen as a valuable tool in tackling gang-related violence, and seemed to work most effectively in areas with strong multi-agency arrangements in place.”

ACT’s plan would take back control from the gangs and deploy an innovative policy to make New Zealand a safer place. As a country we deserve better.

Our Honest Conversations Law and Order document can be found here.
