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Police Still Failing to Act on Housing NZ Drug Houses

The BFD. Source:

In October last year, Spanish Bride wrote an article regarding Housing New Zealand’s refusal to do anything about one of their properties that was being used as a drug house in Christchurch. Well, it seems that their head-in-the-sand attitudes continue to reign supreme, and it appears that the NZ Police have slipped on an ostrich suit as well. Mike Yardley of Stuff reports:

A profoundly disheartened resident of Northcote has contacted me, who I will call “John”, absolutely dejected by the repeat failure of Housing New Zealand (HNZ) and the Canterbury police to take any meaningful action against the alleged drug house that he has the misfortune to live near to.

The HNZ drug house that SB wrote about was in the suburb of Shirley and the one described in the Stuff article is in the suburb of Northcote so clearly not the same property, but it seems the complaints are eerily similar with no action from Housing NZ in relation to criminal tenants and no action from NZ Police who have claimed that they have no resources available.

Even after repeated requests from the complainant, including him providing them with recorded evidence of dates, times and registration numbers, the police advised that any resolution would still be a year away.

Well, I think that’s just another way of saying ‘Go away, we have no interest in this matter’.

But I guess that’s not too surprising given the Labour/Greens combined policies of cuddling crims, getting the country stoned and keeping bad guys out of prison.

And all this before their covert changing of the drug laws a couple of weeks ago to ensure that marijuana users are not prosecuted unless it was ‘in the best interests of the public’.

Well, I think the public would actually be best interested in seeing some good old fashioned police work, you know sending in a covert buyer or two, maybe setting up some observations on the property, maybe even making a few arrests!

Sheriff Rick Staly, New Zealand needs you!

Maybe even Housing NZ might be interested in kicking out the tenants who are clearly breaching their tenancy agreement by conducting criminal activities.

Or perhaps the Christchurch police are just too busy making silly recruiting videos, confiscating guns and practising diversity to worry about doing any actual police work?

Ahh State houses, remember who they were originally for?
