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gray knuckles
Photo by Bill Oxford. The BFD.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon announced today the coalition Government was committed to maintaining law and order and reducing crime. “I’m sick of it. Kiwis are sick of it,” he said, at the College Hill Police Station in Auckland, flanked by the Minister of Police Mark Mitchell and Minister for Children Karen Chhour.

“Our Government wants all Kiwis to feel safe in their homes. It shouldn’t matter where they live.”

Also at the announcement today, Police Commissioner Andrew Coster said new Community Beat Teams were being established in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch to provide a “reassuring and responsive policing presence”, staffed from additional constabulary officers confirmed in Budget 2024.

Coster said it was the start of a “staged two-year rollout” of 63 additional police officers in Auckland across the city’s three policing districts, 17 in Wellington, and 10 in Christchurch. Additional officers would be deployed in towns and regional centres over time.

“We know communities want to see more police out and about, particularly in those areas experiencing challenges with anti-social behaviour and retail crime.” […]

Childrens Minister Karen Chhour announced the Government was introducing a new declaration for young offenders with harsher penalties.

The new Young Serious Offender declaration could be applied to teenagers between 14 and 17 who have committed two offences punishable by imprisonment of 10 years of more and were assessed as being likely to reoffend by a court.

She said the new declaration for young offenders would “ensure they face tougher consequences and are better supported to turn their lives around”.


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