Dr Muriel Newman
If organisers can collect sufficient valid signatures, California’s Governor, Gavin Newsom, faces the possibility of being removed from office by electors in the middle of his four-year term – through a “recall election”. Introduced in 1911, recall elections give voters a right of veto against politicians who lose their confidence.
One of 20 US states with the power to hold recall elections, the last successful attempt to remove a sitting governor in California was in 2003 when the Democratic Governor Gray Davis was recalled and replaced with Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The actions of Jacinda Ardern and her Government since last year’s General Election raises questions over whether New Zealand needs the equivalent of a recall law to rein in deceptive and dishonest governments that say one thing to get elected and then do another once in power. In this case, while Labour was elected to office on the basis of their published policy manifesto, the radical separatist agenda they are now introducing to replace New Zealand democracy with tribal rule, was never revealed to voters.
Indeed, Jacinda Ardern appears to have become the puppet of a tribal elite – some sitting within her own caucus – that are calling the shots.
As a result, New Zealanders are being betrayed – the Prime Minister, who on election night promised to govern for all New Zealanders has unleashed a plan for a separatist takeover of our country by 2040.
Jacinda Ardern’s He Puapua report outlines the steps to 50:50 tribal rule by the 200th anniversary of the Treaty of Waitangi. It will involve unprecedented constitutional upheaval, and the biggest wealth redistribution in our history as much of the country’s publicly owned land, assets, and resources are transferred from taxpayers to multi-million dollar private tribal businesses.
Unbelievable as it all sounds, He Puapua is already being put into effect.
The first sign was the abolition under urgency of the right of local communities to hold a binding referendum on Maori wards.
The review of local government that the Minister Nanaia Mahuta is now undertaking, appears likely to lead to 50 per cent of Maori seats on councils. The effect would be disproportionate – the small proportion of voters registered on the Maori roll would gain a large number of seats around the council table and dictatorial control over critical decisions such as rating policy, spending, and planning rules. It would be naïve to assume that such power would be used to advance the greater-good above their own tribal ambitions.
The reality is that in representative democracies, maintaining approximately the same level of representation for everyone is a foundation stone that has evolved over many hundreds of years in western societies. People have revolted against class and privilege and gone to war over their right to be treated as equals. That’s why Labour’s unheralded move towards the political constructs of “partnership” and “equity” is so vile.
Jacinda Ardern is justifying her separatist actions by claiming her Government is working in ‘partnership’ with Maori – and many New Zealanders believe it.
But, since it is constitutionally impossible for the Crown to enter into partnerships with any of its subjects, what Jacinda Ardern describes as a ‘partnership’ is, in effect, a cunning plan developed by tribal leaders to take over the running of this country. The reality is, the Crown is supreme, and the people – including Maori – are subject to her laws.
Sadly, Kiwi voters are too trusting. They think kindly of politicians and mistakenly believe their government and Prime Minister will put the best interests of the country first, when what they are actually doing is putting separatism first – and the electorate is largely blind to their end game.
He Puapua’s steps to tribal control include, “All New Zealanders will embrace and respect Maori culture as an integral part of national identity and this will be reflected in a bicultural state service.”
That’s why Maori language and culture are being forced onto government departments and local authorities – and why state funded media are pushing separatist propaganda instead of reporting the news.
A tsunami of name changes is part of the plan, as the English language and heritage is replaced with Maori – for buildings, government agencies, streets, towns – even the country itself.
In fact, He Puapua is so detailed, we can tick off achievements as they arise – including in health where a separatist Maori Health Authority with veto rights over the entire health system is being established – and where Maori patients are now being prioritised over those with greater clinical need. The final objective is two health systems, one for Maori and one for everyone else – both funded by everyone else.
Not only is He Puapua detailed, it’s unbelievably ambitious: “There will be enlarged Maori estate, supported by significantly increased return of Crown lands and waters, including the marine and coastal area, to Maori ownership”.
And progress on this so-called transfer of land, water, and the country’s coastline is well underway.
As far as Crown land is concerned, government documents have now emerged showing a plan to transfer the ownership and control of the entire Conservation estate to tribal authorities.
In his Breaking Views blog, geologist Derek Mackie explains, “The government, through the Department of Conservation (DOC), has set up an Options Development Group (ODG) to make recommendations on the co-governance and complete reform of the conservation system in New Zealand. The ODG’s recommendations… give Maori complete control, governance and ownership of the DOC Estate. I believe that most New Zealanders would find this report shocking and insulting.”
When it comes to water, a few years ago the Maori King declared Maori would own New Zealand’s freshwater. Now a member of his own iwi is delivering his prophecy.
The Minister for Local Government, Nanaia Mahuta, is reviewing the management of the three waters – drinking water, wastewater, and storm water – and while that infrastructure is presently owned and operated by local councils, the Government is planning to take it and consolidate it into four mega-agencies – in the Upper North Island, the Central North Island, the Lower North Island, and the South Island.
According to the National Party 50 per cent of the South Island agency will be transferred to Ngai Tahu. The plan for the North Island is likely to follow a similar model. In other words, Jacinda Ardern is planning to give control of the country’s freshwater to private tribal corporations.
And with regards to the foreshore and seabed, just last week we outlined the appalling ruling by Justice Churchman on the first of 200 High Court claims for the coast under the Marine and Coastal Area Act, that elevated ‘tikanga’ above the common law, signalling the entire marine and coastal area right out to the edge of the Territorial Sea is likely to fall into tribal ownership.
We are now fundraising to appeal this radical decision to the Court of Appeal – if you would like to help, please click HERE for details.
By prioritising tikanga above the common law, the Churchman judgement has delivered on another He Puapua objective: “Tikanga Maori will be functioning and applicable across Aotearoa under Maori authority and also, where appropriate, under Crown/Maori authority.”
One of the earlier He Puapua goals was the development of a new New Zealand history curriculum to indoctrinate school children. The Ministry of Education released a draft curriculum for consultation earlier in the year, and called for public submissions.
Historian Dr Michael Bassett, a former Labour Cabinet Minister and Member of the Waitangi Tribunal, found the draft curriculum ‘utterly depressing’: “Nothing about economic development which lifted New Zealand after the Treaty from a state of anarchy where 25 per cent of the entire Maori workforce between 1810 and 1840 had been killed and eaten, and others enslaved. The development of the modern economy is of no account… and, there’ll be no mention of the Musket Wars in the new curriculum – the government is intent on sanitising our history.”
A further critical analysis of the draft curriculum by Professor Martin Devlin, in which he states, “Many myths surround the Treaty today which are unsubstantiated, particularly that the treaty is a “partnership”. Not only is this manifestly incorrect but the treaty is NOT, in fact, even a legal document, according to the New Zealand Constitution” is provided to assist in the submission process and can be viewed HERE.
Former history teacher Roger Childs, who is also extremely concerned about what is being planned, has provided his submission on the draft curriculum in the hope it will encourage others to have a say before the end of the month deadline – you can read his excellent submission HERE and make your own submission HERE.
With the country now being rapidly forced down the path towards a racially divided nation, New Zealanders who value equal rights and democracy must fight back.
In his hard-hitting Breaking Views article, retired headmaster Tony Sayers urges action: “It is up to all who want a democratic country for their children, with rights guaranteed regardless of race, colour or creed, to unite to stop the causes of racial hate in our precious homeland. That cause is Maori dominance over our society.”
And that is surely the point – through endlessly dividing society by race, Jacinda Ardern’s Government is fuelling resentment and anger. The more public resources they give away to their tribal supporters, the worse it will get. They are creating a problem for which they are blaming everyone else. And Budget 2021 is likely to exacerbate the situation with vast amounts of race-based funding to advance their separatist cause.
This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator former teacher and political organiser John Bell, believes that building public awareness of He Puapua is crucial for generating the public unease necessary for a change in government in 2023:
“The prevailing public mood will be a critical factor in determining not only whether National and ACT can succeed in the 2023 election but also, in the event of their succeeding, how far and how fast they can roll back such developments as Maori Wards and a race-based health system. With the entire apparatus of Government and most of the mainstream media currently enlisted in the cause of creating and maintaining public acceptance of co-governance, the task of impacting on the prevailing public mood is daunting…
He further believes, “If we are to salvage our democracy, we have no option but to get out of our comfort zones and engage in protest by means that may not come easily to us.”
As more and more people, realising the danger He Puapua represents to democracy and our way of life, share their concerns, the magnitude of Jacinda Ardern’s betrayal of the trust of New Zealanders is becoming clear.
With opposition parties in Parliament now holding the government to account over their separatist initiatives and their tribal takeover plan, the latest TV3-Reid Research poll was a disappointment to those who might have expected the government’s ratings to decline further and support for National and Judith Collins in particular to rise.
Political commentator Chris Trotter has described the poll and biased reporting as ‘propaganda’:
“This is how it works now. If a potentially damaging report like He Puapua makes it into the public arena, do not under any circumstances attempt to inform the public accurately and dispassionately about its contents. Instead, brand any publicly voiced misgivings about the report’s recommendations as ‘racist’. Give maximum coverage to accusations and recriminations arising from politicians’ responses to the report, and highlight the alleged divisiveness of their attempts to question or challenge its findings. Then, commission a poll, the entirely predictable results of which can be used to discredit the report’s critics: most particularly the leader of the political party most heavily invested in challenging its officially sanctioned version of reality… It’s a game played out every day in Moscow and Beijing. The only serious distinction between the players there, and the players here, being that ‘there’ they know that the name of the game is ‘Propaganda’; while ‘here’ they still think it’s called ‘Journalism’.”
It is time to fight back. It’s also time to put an end to deceptive politicians being able to abuse their positions of power by delivering something they did not promise when soliciting public support on the campaign trail. This kind of political dishonesty should never be allowed in New Zealand and should not be tolerated.
This Week’s Poll Asks:
*Do you believe New Zealand needs a “recall election” provision to protect the public against a dishonest government?
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