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Not an original thought among them. The BFD.

In his How the World Was Won, Tasmanian writer Peter Conrad argued that American culture came to dominate the world because people just like it. Notably, this egalitarian triumph peeved the elitists no end. “The whole fucking world is going 100% American,” grumbled Henry Miller. “It’s a disease.” The doyens of modern leftism, Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer, berated supposedly “crass” Americanism.

Yet, however much its intellectual mavens might sniff and sneer, much of the global left slavishly take their cues from America. None more so than the faddish sheep in Australia.

There has always been a derived nature to the Australian left. In the 1960s and 70s, those who protested against Australia’s military commitment in Vietnam invariably adopted the stance of the left in the US. Sure, the Australian left was not as violent as its American counterpart. Otherwise it looked and sounded much the same. Likewise today.

The Black Lives Matter movement is a peculiarly American phenomenon, born of that nation’s perplexingly enduring racial paranoia. Its relevance to Australia is practically non-existent.

But the Australian left just lives to protest. I suppose they have to get out and away from their keyboards somehow. Looking at the sorry ranks of emaciated soy-boys and bloated, blue-haired land-whales who constitute leftist rent-a-crowds, it’s clear that marching and flailing their little fists is the only exercise most of them ever get.

The only mental exercise they appear capable of is finding ever more convoluted ways to hitch their little red wagons to imported American causes.

Their attempts to conflate BLM to the “black deaths in custody” is pathetically contrived, even for them. After all, even they haven’t given a rat’s arse about what is indeed an issue of little weight. Until someone memed it for them last week, not one of them would have been able to nominate even an approximate number of Aboriginal deaths in custody. Any more than they have the faintest clue of how many men are killed in Australia every week, even as they obsessively count every female death until they can parrot without thinking (and I say “without thinking” in every sense of the phrase).

Australia does not have the social divisions that have afflicted the US for centuries[…]

What’s more, the 1991 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, which was chaired by Elliott Johnston QC and had indigenous representation, found that deaths of Aborigines in custody were not the product of deliberate violence or brutality by police or prison officers.

Facts are kryptonite to the faddish sheep of the Australian left. Because if they were forced to acknowledge facts, they would have to admit that fewer Aboriginal prisoners die in custody than non-Aboriginal. Almost all of those deaths are from either natural causes or suicide. Aboriginal deaths in custody are a direct consequence of Aboriginal rates of imprisonment – themselves the direct consequence of disproportionate law-breaking.

Most especially near-epidemic levels of violence and sexual violence against Aboriginal women and children.

But, as Jacinta Nampijinpa Price scathingly observes, the Australian left has nothing to say about that. In fact, should anyone dare point out the inconvenient fact of the violence of so many Aboriginal men, they are shouted down and vilified as “racist”.

The left supposedly marching against “police brutality” also have a peculiarly selective racist myopia in regard to police violence.

As Avi Yemini has brutally exposed in his latest video, of all the dutifully bleating sheep marching in lockstep last weekend, not one knew the name of Justine Damond. Damond was the white Australian woman murdered without the slightest provocation by a black American police officer. Like George Floyd’s killing, Damond’s murder took place in the Democrat stronghold of Minneapolis.

Where were her riots? Her protest marches?

They never happened because nobody led the Australian left by the nose to do it. They were too busy following their Twitter feeds for their next ‘Orange Man Bad’ cue.

Not an original thought among them. The BFD.

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