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Photo by Roman Empire Times / Unsplash

Olivia Pierson
I cherish the values of The Enlightenment – reason, freedom and beauty. ​More precisely, I value the principles which became the hallmarks of Western democracy.

[Source: Reality Check Radio, Olivia’s View on The Crunch with Cam Slater, 1 August 2024.]

When Joe Biden ran for the office of president back in 2020 with obvious dementia in play, we in NZ were labouring under the joyless years of the equine Jacinda Ardern’s regime. Everything had been turned on its head, right down to our Bill of Rights, to say nothing of healthy people enduring home detentions our governments called “lockdowns to keep us safe.” Or “saife” in Cindy speak. 

I remember saying to my husband that all politics now was running at “Caligula’s horse” levels of absurdity. 

If anyone needs reminding of the ancient Roman story where Emperor Caligula, who was one very depraved sicko, in order to mock and perhaps even scare the Roman Senate, he threatened to make his favourite horse, Incitatus, a consul, believing he would be an improvement on senatorial wisdom. 

I don’t believe that this ever transpired, not because Caligula wasn’t twisted enough to actually do it, he was, but because he himself was swiftly murdered by his own Praetorians. Rome had had enough of his imperial, autocratic insanity and there were even those who wanted to return the empire back to being a republic again. Alas, things only got worse from there. Within several generations of Caesars who were arguably much worse than Caligula (his nephew was the sadistic & cruel Nero), the Senate was eventually stripped of all power becoming nothing more than a ceremonial role. Rome never again became a republic. The republic once lost, was lost forever. 

In Joe Biden’s strange address to the American people last week, informing them he was staying on as president, he quoted in his bumbling fashion the anecdote about Benjamin Franklin exiting the four month meeting of the Constitutional Congress in 1787, where a woman asked him, “Well Doctor, what have we got: republic or a monarchy? Franklin famously replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

The audacity of Biden quoting that story at this particular moment in history is just so off the charts given how much he has actually done to help bring the American republic to an end.

Starting with the stolen election of 2020 and the persecution of all those who seriously levelled that charge, to the 15 to 20 million illegal aliens allowed in over the southern border – who will all be voting in this year’s election even though they are not legal citizens. Then there’s the total persecution of his political rival Donald Trump... Biden has allowed his DOJ to commit unprecedented levels of lawfare to bankrupt him, or lock him away for a thousand years. And only two weeks ago, there was a horrifying attempt to assassinate Trump in broad daylight, which was obviously a political hit involving the Secret Service and FBI of Biden’s administration. 

Of course the term “Biden’s administration” is always said by me tongue in cheek, since his dementia has precluded any thoughtful governing, which means he has been somebody’s puppet all along – as Karmala Cackles Hyena Harris would also be, should she succeed. They are both as incapable of governing America as Incitatus the horse would’ve been of acting like a competent consul in Rome’s ancient senate. The only thing I would say on that note is that Incitatus would’ve been much, much better, because he at least would’ve done absolutely nothing, whereas Biden and Harris have actually done things… destructive things.

Veteran Investigative Journalist Seymour Hersh, the same Hersh who broke the story during the Vietnam War about the atrocity of the My Lai massacre and the government coverup of it. Hersh came out with an article last week titled “Leaving Las Vegas – inside the last tortured days of the Biden campaign.”

Relying on only one insider source, a White House senior official who didn’t want to be named for obvious reasons, Hersh claims that Barack Obama, with the blessing of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries, phoned Biden and threatened him with the 25th Amendment if he didn’t withdraw from the presidential campaign. Obama told Biden, allegedly, that he also had permission from Karmala Harris as the VP, since she is the official who would have to invoke the 25th Amendment and then assume all presidential duties. 

If this report is true… and I have to say it does have the ring of truth… that is called a coup. 

And if Biden is not fit enough that they have to take him out of running as the incumbent in this year’s election, he can hardly be fit enough to continue being the president with all the duties that role includes such as commander in chief of the entire US armed forces. 

Obama is not even officially in government anymore and neither is Nancy Pelosi. These meddlers ceaselessly buzz around like vultures circling a dying animal… and that’s exactly what Biden is, a dying puppet president.

According to Hersh, Obama told Biden in that phone call that he was withholding his endorsement of Kamala for a spell, presumably as a tactic to look innocent by way of any meddling on his part. As soon as Biden made that forced and overdue TV appearance to say he was withdrawing from the presidential race this year, the Obamas staged THIS phony phone call to Cackles, which of course was filmed and recorded before being swiftly transmitted to X and beyond:

“And we’re going to have some fun with this, too, aren’t we.” Thank goodness the clip ends before she burst into her grating laugh. 

For Kamala, running for president of the United States is emotionally similar to a fun day at Kindergarten playing doctors and nurses, which I bet she excelled at in ways we wouldn’t want to imagine. Caligula’s horse level absurdity – the circus: all games, tricks and contrived fun.

​She has now been endorsed by all the people who matter in this sick pantomime: the Clintons, who hate the Obamas, the Obamas who hate the Bidens and the Bidens who now hate everybody. The Democrat Party is the party of hate, corruption, puppets and phonies – they do not have an authentic bone left in their body politic. 

But there is an antidote to all this absurdity lying in the powerful opposition, you know, the same opposition that’s so powerful that only two weeks ago, they tried to murder it in Pennsylvania.

It’s Trump with his MAGA Republicans behind him. 

This time four years ago in 2020 the Republicans, especially the never-Trumpers, were trying to resist the sheer force of the MAGA pressure which resulted in a stolen election, where many Republicans were just as complicit as Democrats for they were too weak and still pleading for “civility” in all discourse and debates, etc.  But this year’s RNC showed us that the Republican party is fully MAGA now.

I’ve noticed that instead of pleading for civility, Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene are now telling woke BBC reporters to “fuck off” instead of trying to be polite in the face of their obvious activist journalism tactics designed to just play “gotcha”. 

In the House Oversight Committee hearing to get to the bottom of obvious Secret Service failures, gentlewomen Republicans who have always observed the polite formalities of civic mindedness are now repairing to expressions such as “you really are full of shit,” as Nancy Mace said to the director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, last week before forcing her resignation. These expressions of contempt are important if you morally value your republican forms. There comes a time when the evil is so in your face and constantly pandered to that you just have to draw a line which says: “no further and forget civility as an automatic response to sheer evil!”

I’m glad Republicans are finally here. They should’ve been 100 per cent aboard in 2016 and 2020 instead of having arguments and silly scruples about Trump’s ‘TONE’ and mean tweets.

The party of Caligula’s horse absurdity is now having a crack at JD Vance over his “childless cat lady” comments which he said to Tucker Carlson in an interview on Fox three years ago.

The Mockingbird Media has gone nuts over this old comment in an attempt to paint JD Vance as ‘weird’.

Vance is absolutely correct when he points out how anti-family the Democrat party have become over the years. One of their major platform issues to win votes is easy abortion policy. I have seen Democrat women protesting hysterically against the Dobbs decision of 2022 that the Supreme Court ruled on to return abortion legislation back to the individual states. Some of these women were quite clearly nuts – one of them even had her swollen pregnant belly exposed with writing on it stating, “This will be my sixth abortion.” Imagine being proud of that and declaring it publicly! Caligula-level insanity right there.

Recently, Trump urged Christians in his address at Turning Point Action’s “Believers Summit”, to turn out for him ahead of election day, calling it the “most important election ever”. He added that if elected, Christian-related concerns will be “fixed”, so much so that they would no longer need to be politically engaged.

Democrats then used the Mockingbird Media to say that this was Trump declaring himself as the dictator he’s going to be if elected again… he’s going to fix the system so people CAN’T vote anymore, they mendaciously asserted. 

What nonsense. He also promised to create a federal task force, without anti-Christian bias, as well as to defund schools “pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto the lives of children”.

Amen to that. The innocence of children needs to be protected in schools again. [...]

But one thing is for certain, we are in very strange times where so many absurdities have now become normal – and no Democrat candidate, especially a Caligula’s horse, will be able to win against Trump and his MAGA movement without a massive attempt at cheating and another election steal. Democrats have shown us that they will do absolutely anything, no matter how low and vile, to hold onto their power.

[Note: this was first published in August of 2024, before the Democratic National Convention.]

This article was originally published by


Kiri Allan

Kiri Allan

Their apparent belief that their fast-diminishing, remaining, audience wishes to view Allan’s bum says everything about their abysmal judgment and consequential decline.

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