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President Joe Biden (left) and former President Donald Trump.

Alex Christy

Alex Christy currently serves as news analyst for NewsBusters primarily focused on cable news and the late night comedy shows. His work has been cited in Fox News, Newsmax, the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, Mediaite, Townhall, RedState, The Blaze, National Review, The Federalist, NewsNation, Newsweek, and forced corrections from MSNBC and CBS.

NBC Late Night host Seth Meyers freaked out on Monday over polling that showed Donald Trump comfortably beating Joe Biden in various battleground states. The terrified Meyers would bring out six bleep buttons, four fake cigarettes, and one bottle of alcohol to help him deal with his problems.

After a Clip of CBS Mornings explaining the polls, Meyers introduced “A new segment we’re calling ‘Seth stares off into the distance and mutters to himself for a second.’”

“A second” was more like 48 seconds as Meyers reached for the booze and cigarette and muttered, “I — I — Biden’s old, but Trump’s old, too. I mean like — ehh. Some people say, ‘Oh, this will be good for you,’ but get that out of your head. This isn’t a real cigarette.”

That bit aside, Meyers continued urging his liberal viewers not to panic, “Now, I know we are a full year away from the election and it’s natural and normal for people to express their frustration with the incumbent at this point in the calendar, the same thing happened with Obama, too, and then he went on to easily defeat Mitt Romney. In fact, Gallup’s final poll before the election had Romney ahead. So, there’s no reason to panic.”

However, “On the other hand, we have start [bleep] panicking now!” Reaching for a trio of cigarettes, Meyers added, “We are [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep].”

Props out of the way, an incredulous Meyers lamented “So, I guess this new poll makes Trump the frontrunner. Not just for the GOP nomination but the whole deal. Ha, yeah, I mean, okay, cool, what a world. That would mean the current frontrunner to be the next president spent the day in court where he was grilled on the stand by prosecutors about his company’s alleged widespread fraud.”

If that’s how Meyers reacts to polls 12 months out, he and his fellow late-night hosts might want to stockpile the booze, just in case.

Here is a transcript for the November 6-taped show:

NBC Late Night with Seth Meyers


12:41 AM ET

SETH MEYERS: This brings to us a new segment we’re calling “Seth stares off into the distance and mutters to himself for a second.” I — I — Biden’s old, but Trump’s old, too. I mean like — ehh. Some people say, “Oh, this will be good for you,” but get that out of your head. This isn’t a real cigarette. This has been “Seth stares off into the distance and mutters to himself for a second.”

Now, I know we are a full year away from the election and it’s natural and normal for people to express their frustration with the incumbent at this point in the calendar, the same thing happened with Obama, too, and then he went on to easily defeat Mitt Romney. In fact, Gallup’s final poll before the election had Romney ahead. So, there’s no reason to panic. On the other hand, we have start [bleep] panicking now!

We are [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep]. So, I guess this new poll makes Trump the frontrunner. Not just for the GOP nomination but the whole deal. Ha, yeah, I mean, okay, cool, what a world.

That would mean the current frontrunner to be the next president spent the day in court where he was grilled on the stand by prosecutors about his company’s alleged widespread fraud. And this morning when he arrived in court, he did his usual Trump shtick where he complained about the proceedings and lashed out at everyone involved.


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