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Poppa Piccolino from Sunny Italy

Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Harry Palmer

The metaphorical walls of the Catholic Church have fallen after the debacle of Vatican II in the 1960s. Perverts and shysters now overrun its ruins and the Pope kicked the last few true believers in the cojones when he finally and ruthlessly banned the Latin Mass.

Does Pope Francis now see himself as the vicar of the World Economic Forum/New World Order, as well as fully embracing the role of public relations flack for the global warming scam and being ‘blessed’ by St Greta? He’s now fully on board with crooked politicians and loving their second one-two punch in the gut of the unsuspecting public: mass immigration.

Pope Francis was in Marseilles late September and again was saying what politicians like Macron, Rishi Sunak and Joe Biden love to hear and helping them to nail the coffin lid down on their democracies:

“Those who risk their lives at sea do not invade, they look for welcome, for life,” he said. “As for the emergency, the phenomenon of migration is not so much a short-term urgency, always good for fuelling alarmist propaganda, but a reality of our times.”

How disingenuous. The typical double-speak used by the political class these days. They emphasise the dubious benefits for all of newly introduced legislation, but hide the real reason for its introduction. Another example is the law just approved by the British Parliament, the so called “Online Safety” law, which is declared to be all about protecting children, but which actually gives huge power to their official censoring organisation Ofcom (Office of Communications) to pry into all areas of the internet. The law is so loosely worded that it is really about blocking people and information that goes against government propaganda. Just check out what Ofcom are putting Mark Steyn through after charging him with the spread of ‘disinformation’ for his having highlighted the plight – and death – of many takers of the Covid ‘vaccine’.

So Pope Francis is aligning himself with politicians and against the people. He is pandering to those politicians, who, without consulting voters or considering what it might mean to them, are inviting hordes of invaders from completely alien cultures to take over their countries, take jobs from the natives and absorb country-crippling amounts of taxpayers’ money, while preferring to live amongst their own people and maintain their own cultures with little integration. The elites, who invited the invaders, preside over them and take delight in managing them to their advantage. Meanwhile, the quality of life, the availability of medical treatment and a decent education for the children of the native populations fail, while violent crime and the sale of illegal drugs expand exponentially.

What puzzles me is why the Pope appears to have done a 180 degree turn from where belief in these matters used to rest. In Matthew 20:25-28, Jesus tells his disciples that the greatest among them is the one who serves. It has not gone unnoticed, especially considering the countless sex and financial scandals that have been exposed in recent years in the church, and the way cardinals prance around in fancy robes and pompously pronounce on anything but what affects the lives of real people, that the concept of humility is alien to them.

Here are the names of some of the people Pope Francis has granted an audience to in the past few months:

President Joe Biden

President Emmanuel Macron

Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany

Ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Pope Tawadros II

Patriarch Bartholomew I

Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt,

Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb

Melinda Gates

Jeff Bezos

Greta Thunberg

Francesco Bagnaia

Sofia Goggia

Vanessa Bryant

Nick and Priyanka Jonas

Eddie Vedder

Bono Vox

Tell me your friends and I will tell you what you are. As a lifelong Catholic, I’ve no interest whatsoever in meeting Pope Francis, but where is the humility in him glad-handing all these mostly rich and famous people, some of them only there for the ‘optics’, like pro-abortionist ‘Catholic’ Joe Biden looking to gain more of his country’s Hispanic vote. If peons like myself wish to see the Pope in person, then we have to gather with the huge crowd which overflows St Peter’s Square in Rome, where he may, or not, appear on his balcony.

One answer for the Pope’s apparent drift away from orthodoxy might be that at 86 he is on the same track as Joe Biden into intellectual oblivion.

The very substantial foundations of the Christian faith lie in Judaism and the Bible which forms the main teaching document of the faith and is of great interest as a sociology text book. What’s not disputed is the fierce resistance of the ancient Hebrews to protect the holy city Jerusalem. Various armies attacked it over several hundred years until it was finally taken by the Chaldeans in 586 BC. King Solomon’s temple was destroyed and many were taken as prisoners to Babylon. Not only were the Israelites protecting their homes and civilisation when beating off those who sought to take Jerusalem; they were also protecting their faith in God.

And so the almost-fanatical defence of Jerusalem, especially its first 500 years from the days of King Solomon, is the pattern most countries threatened with invasion follow. Their motivation is to preserve their way of life and avoid being dominated by an alien power likely to enslave them. That ancient, instinctive principle of self preservation has been subverted by politicians in the West in recent times, notably in Great Britain, the United States and the countries of the European Community, by flinging borders open for people to enter from the Middle East in the case of Europe and South America for the US. It is often said the influx into Europe and Great Britain, in particular, is made up of mainly single, fighting-age, young men.

Yet no one voted to allow the politicians in any of these countries to make such disastrous concessions to would-be immigrants. Politicians continue to remain deaf to protests from their native populations – their voters – as to the growing number of alien peoples, who hog more and more of the public services that they, the original citizens, contribute to and maintain through taxation.

And the Pope in his speeches and informal discussions with reporters forcefully endorses the ever-scheming politicians of Western countries in their endeavours to destroy their own countries in pursuit of some sort of conceived notion of making the world one. The making of them, via ‘affirmative action’, eg police persons with authority, powers of arrest and intimidation over the main population, is provocative to say the least. And you just know which side these people will take when the anticipated time comes for vengeful citizens, as H L Menken would put it, to set about ‘slitting throats’.

As the more commonsensical among us would agree: import the third world, become the third world.

Pope Francis – whose election to that position appears to owe more to the shiftiness of the St Gallen Mafia – is a Jesuit, an order in the Church that is known for the deviousness of its membership and manipulations of its self-proclaimed ‘intellectual’ members in the power structures of countries and organisations. In his rush to endorse the vile aspirations of politicians, Francis seems to have forgotten the lessons of Genesis 11, which tells how the Babylonians, in a first run of the United Nations/European Union/New World Order paradigm, built a tower to reach the skies, until God decided to teach them a lesson and scattered them and replaced their one language with many, so they couldn’t converse with each other any longer.

If I might be so bold as to whisper in His ear that, considering the present state of ‘the West’, He might perhaps prefer the Sodom and Gomorrah, rather than the re-scattering of the ‘United Nations’ and European Union, etc, solution. After all, if they continue to push Mr Putin closer to the edge he might decide that Washington DC, London, Paris, the Vatican and Berlin are deserving of a nuclear rebuke and thus accomplish what’s needed, free of charge.
