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Ports of Auckland Shipping Container Snarl-up Chokes Supply

orange and black industrial machine
Photo by Bernd Dittrich. The BFD.

A year into Covid and Ports of Auckland has failed to adapt. A massive snarl-up of shipping containers is choking the supply of goods into the country, and now some ships are skipping New Zealand altogether.

The building industry is in a boom right now, and there has been much talk about the shortage of labour. But now, the talk is about the shortage of screws.

grey stainless steel bolt and screw lot
Photo by Marcel Strauß. The BFD
The consequences are dire – potentially dragging the whole industry to a standstill. There is no sign the government is paying this any attention.

Forewarned is forearmed, so let us know in the comments what other oft-overlooked items might soon be missing from the shelves and what impact that will have on the country.

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