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Post-jab Heart Complications on the Rise

Photo by Pexels. The BFD.

Gary Moller

Articles like these never make the news due to censorship: please help me get this information out by passing it on to others. Thank you!

A professional film crew interviewed me about this topic of jab-related heart problems. The crew, including the interviewer, who will remain anonymous, gave their time and expertise freely in the interests of doing the right thing. Unlike so many media cowards, they have integrity. So let the truth be told: share this with your loved ones and friends.

Here is the interview

I referred to eight cases. These are eight cases that are undoubtedly jab-related; but what I did not mention is there are now dozens of similar cases that I know of which appear to be jab-related but difficult to prove. My question is this:

“How many more cases must there be before they cease to be merely a coincidence”

By speaking out like this, my partner, Alofa, and I are putting our livelihood on the line, and I’m risking my professional reputation. Still, this problem is so severe and widespread that I can not remain silent. Fortunately, more brave and principled health professionals are speaking out but not enough of them. Not yet anyway, but the tide is changing.

Photo by Clard. The BFD.

Here’s what happens to health professionals and scientists who speak the truth:

Here is a review of the evidence by an expert:

I’m publishing a series of articles about jab-related heart problems, including what to do about them. The first will be in just a few days. Please keep an eye out for it; it may be a life-saver!
