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Price Has Her Next Target Lined Up

The face that really frightens the Australian left. Jacinta Nampijinpa Price.

Can Jacinta Nampijinpa Price please stop giving us reasons to like her? The first-term senator first made a name for herself vocally advocating for conservative Aboriginal politics in the Northern Territory, drawing attention to appalling rates of domestic violence in Aboriginal communities, including the role of traditional culture and tribal “big men” in using it as a smokescreen for bad behaviour by Aboriginal men.

She fiercely criticises welfare dependency and “opportunistic collectivism” (what the rest of us call the “Aboriginal Industry”), and advocates a tough law and order approach to rampant criminality. Price also supported Pauline Hanson’s walk-out on a “Welcome to Country” in the Senate, and criticises the whole charade of “traditional acknowledgement” as narcissistic virtue-signalling that merely alienates Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. She also opposes the campaigns to change Australia Day and the Australian flag. Along with Nyunggai Warren Mundine, Price is a spearhead of the No campaign in the “Indigenous Voice” referendum.

But Price is flexing her political muscles as a culture-war warrior well beyond the narrow remit of Indigenous Affairs. Even left-wing Crikey lauded her as the “breakout star” of the 2022 conservative CPAC conference. More recently, Price was part of a stellar range of big-C Conservatives who packed out a Liberal Party fundraiser in Victoria.

Now Price has the gender whisperers in her sights.

Opposition Indigenous Australians spokeswoman Jacinta Nampijinpa Price says pushing back against the transgender movement and its impact on children will be among her next priorities after the Indigenous voice to parliament referendum.

Price is standing with the group of Liberal mavericks who are trying to drag the party back to the conservative centre after years of drifting to the wet left and shedding voters.

Speaking at an event hosted by Liberal senator Alex Antic that featured speakers including Katherine Deves and Moira Deeming, Senator Price said the parliamentary inquiry into gender-affirming care – which refers to medical treatments used to transition people to the gender of their choosing – proposed by One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson should not have been left to “a conscience vote”.

“In the Senate, we had an opportunity to vote for an inquiry into gender-affirming treatments for children. It should never have been a conscience vote because this issue speaks to the human rights of our most vulnerable, and that is our children,” Senator Price told the small group gathered in Parliament House.

“This debate, this argument, the way it’s being played out, the way in which women are now under attack for standing up for the vulnerable, for standing up for children, is so many steps backward to where we’ve come to fight for our rights as women.”

Price’s fellow speakers at the event, Katherine Deves and Moira Deeming, know all about having to fight for their rights as women — too often, against their own party leadership. After hand-picking Deves as the Liberal candidate for Warringah at the last election, then-PM Scott Morrison sat back and watched as she was unconscionably bullied by the demented tranny lobby. Moira Deeming has had it even worse, dumped from her own party by a gutless leadership who smeared her as a “Nazi”.

Senator Price said women such as Ms Deves and Ms Deeming were “brave” and had been “thrown under the bus” in expressing concerns for women’s rights being impinged upon by transgender women.

“That sends a message to our vulnerable women, women who don’t come from Western cultures, that they aren’t important, that their voices don’t matter,” she said.

“If you can have a movement that has seen to provide equal rights and opportunity and respect for women in Western culture … suddenly be overturned and go backward, well, that leaves our most vulnerable in a more marginalised position.

More and more women are waking up to the fact that transgenderism is in fact a violently misogynist, deeply homophobic ideology. Any woman who dares speak up is set upon by feral, screeching men in dresses, hurling punches and projectiles. Supposedly conservative leaders gutlessly side with the vicious cocks-in-frocks screaming to “Kill TERFs”.

Senator Antic’s event was heavily policed, and organisers claimed they had received credible death threats […]

Ms Deves told the event on Tuesday morning the resolve of women who were critical of transgender rights had been “strengthened” and “galvanised” by the backlash they had faced from some sections of society.

“The apparatuses of the state, the courts, disciplinary processes, and quasi-judicial bodies may be weaponised against those of us who refuse to acquiesce to a movement that is determined to erase us as a legal sex class,” she said.

The Australian

It goes well beyond women being bullied, beaten and silenced by predatory autogynephiles, though. A generation of children are being exploited, and chemically and surgically mutilated, by the rainbow groomers.

It’s long past time someone reminded so-called “conservative” party leaders what they’re supposed to stand for.


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