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Prime Minister Christopher Luxon Speaks to Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand.

New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was in Christchurch on Saturday and caught up with Chris Lynch.

In a wide-ranging interview, they discussed fresh allegations facing Julie-Anne-Genter, Christchurch’s massive rate increase, cycleways, Winston Peters and our space sector.

Local news thanks to Airpark Canterbury Limited and special thanks to Business Canterbury for letting Chris Lynch Media use its space.


The Fall of Constantinople and the Folly of the West

The Fall of Constantinople and the Folly of the West

The battle for freedom is here, and it’s now, and we must do what we can. That means we seriously need to look at our immigration policies. We need to wake the hell up, because we are letting the enemy of our hard-won freedoms literally walk in through the front door.

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