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Photo by Dan Loran. The BFD.

Bob McCoskrie

If you spoke up against the Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum over the past 12 months – then all we can say is – thank you! You have been heard. There has been huge progress. But we must remain vigilant. Here’s an update on the progress – including a car-crash interview from one of the activists.


If you spoke up against the Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum over the past 12 months – then all we can say is – thank you!!

You have been heard. There has been huge progress. But we must remain vigilant.

So you’ll remember that in the coalition agreement between National and NZ First it said

Refocus the curriculum on academic achievement and not ideology, including the removal and replacement of the gender, sexuality, and relationship-based education guidelines.

But that all had the media, academics and the teacher unions in a panic. Fancy expecting schools to focus on “reading riting and rithmetic”, and not be allowed to indoctrinate our kids with the ideology that they have 112 genders to choose from and 200+ sexualities.

Just a month ago they were promoting an open letter

An open letter is calling on the Government to keep the current relationship and sexuality education guidelines in schools and kura, despite coalition promises to do otherwise.

Twenty-six mental health and rainbow organisations have written an open letter to the Government this week, asking it to retain the current RSE guidelines. The letter said the guidelines were beneficial for schools and students.

Mental health. Yeah right. One of the signatories was the New Zealand Drug Foundation. Yes the group that want to legalise and normalise drug use. They’re also concerned about gender identity and sexuality. They’re so versatile.

So let’s watch the interview where the Newshub AM Show markets this open letter

And it’s an interview with the head of the Mental Health Foundation Shaun Robinson. This clip shows you why parents should be very wary of them anywhere near their children. Have a listen

It’s not the parent’s right to decide whether a child should be equipped for life. It’s our job. Parents are just “part” of the process. Primary age should be indoctrinated with extreme sexuality and gender fluidity – because Shaun says its his job – it’s the state’s job – not you as the parents. Shocking.

So they got about 4,000 signatures on the open letter

Now Shaun Robinson was also on Newstalk ZB recently. I text ZB during the interview to ask for a right of reply – because you’ll hear him complain about what Family First said about Pink Shirt Day – but at the very end then he admits that we were right!

But then the interviewer wanted to know what was in the material. He really had no idea. So he’s complaining about a programme and wants it retained – but he doesn’t know exactly what’s in it.

I actually text ZB back and said – don’t worry about right of reply. He shot himself in the foot.

I don’t think Shaun voted for NZ First. I mean I’m just guessing – but…

But then he goes back to his dumb statements about rights of children, and moral panic

That’s what you call a car-crash media interview.

You see, the media have NEVER allowed me to come on to give specifics about what’s in the programme. They never have, and they never will.

Anyways, on Sunday, the Minister of Education was on Q&A with Jack Tame and was asked about this issue

It’s hard to fault what Erica Stanford said

* huge feedback from both parents and principals (!) says that the Relationships and Sexuality Education Guidelines are problematic
* it’s age inappropriate
* it encourages the material to be spread through other subjects so that parents can’t remove their children if they object

Of course there are many other issues with it, including the biologically flawed gender ideology and the extreme sexuality messaging.

The real issue is what replaces the current guidelines – and who are the ‘experts’.

If it’s anyone from PATHA, InsideOut or the University of Waikato’s Trans Health Research Lab, or the current Minister of Health Matt Doocey, then the result will be problematic.

We’ll continue to monitor this closely….


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